You know you love your chickens when...

You know you love chickens when you read 16 Paws' story and get tears in your eyes and go cuddle your chicks and tell them "don't worry, I'll take care of you no matter what!"
1st...16 paws? Is it like a Hatchi story or what?
you know you love your chickens when you set up a kiddie pool in their yard so they can cool off in the heat of the day and set cooler packs in the nest box. I'd show a picture of Jeanie standing in the water bowl but my phone is 2 shakes away from being called antiquated , it don't take pictures. wa wa waaaaa
1st...16 paws? Is it like a Hatchi story or what?
you know you love your chickens when you set up a kiddie pool in their yard so they can cool off in the heat of the day and set cooler packs in the nest box. I'd show a picture of Jeanie standing in the water bowl but my phone is 2 shakes away from being called antiquated , it don't take pictures. wa wa waaaaa
I had to google what Hatchi story was. Lol
Thanks everyone!
I am so glad to have support. What happened is this:

I had a broody mom and she hatched her chicks on Mothers Day. I have about 40 chickens so she was in a secure broody pen with her chicks in the run. After about a week mama wanted to take her kids out of the pen to dust bath and peck around in the dirt. So I fashioned a small run within the bigger run for them to play in. Well I have been having a lot of squirrels come around to steal the chickens feed. One of the squirrels dug a hole under the half inch hardware cloth run I had made for the babies and mama. These chicks were tiny because they are bantam cochins. One of the babies found the hole and managed to get away from mom on the other side of the protection. I am thinking that the bigger chickens attacked her or the squirrel. They pecked her eye out on one side. The other eye didnt look damaged but she would not open it for about a week. She finally opened it just yesterday but she still cant see. I think she has some kind nerve damage. She doesnt respond to sound either. The mama rejected her so I set up a mama heat pad brooder for her and she knows how to use that for warmth now. She is eating and drinking and scratching for food. I grabbed 2 of her hatch mates to put in with her so she is not alone. I dont know if she will make it in the long run but I am going to be here to care for her until she quits. She is spunky and has a lot of life in her right now. Thanks again for your support. I Named her Chicken Little and here she is....This is the side with the eye that didnt look damaged. The other eye has a big scab over it.
Aw, she's so cute! That's great that you're able to take care of her. She is privileged to have such a caring owner.
Thanks everyone!
I am so glad to have support. What happened is this:

I had a broody mom and she hatched her chicks on Mothers Day. I have about 40 chickens so she was in a secure broody pen with her chicks in the run. After about a week mama wanted to take her kids out of the pen to dust bath and peck around in the dirt. So I fashioned a small run within the bigger run for them to play in. Well I have been having a lot of squirrels come around to steal the chickens feed. One of the squirrels dug a hole under the half inch hardware cloth run I had made for the babies and mama. These chicks were tiny because they are bantam cochins. One of the babies found the hole and managed to get away from mom on the other side of the protection. I am thinking that the bigger chickens attacked her or the squirrel. They pecked her eye out on one side. The other eye didnt look damaged but she would not open it for about a week. She finally opened it just yesterday but she still cant see. I think she has some kind nerve damage. She doesnt respond to sound either. The mama rejected her so I set up a mama heat pad brooder for her and she knows how to use that for warmth now. She is eating and drinking and scratching for food. I grabbed 2 of her hatch mates to put in with her so she is not alone. I dont know if she will make it in the long run but I am going to be here to care for her until she quits. She is spunky and has a lot of life in her right now. Thanks again for your support. I Named her Chicken Little and here she is....This is the side with the eye that didnt look damaged. The other eye has a big scab over it.

Oh my gosh! Heart wrenching! We're all pulling for you Chicken Little! Marie, you are my Hero!
Thanks everyone!
I am so glad to have support. What happened is this:

I had a broody mom and she hatched her chicks on Mothers Day. I have about 40 chickens so she was in a secure broody pen with her chicks in the run. After about a week mama wanted to take her kids out of the pen to dust bath and peck around in the dirt. So I fashioned a small run within the bigger run for them to play in. Well I have been having a lot of squirrels come around to steal the chickens feed. One of the squirrels dug a hole under the half inch hardware cloth run I had made for the babies and mama. These chicks were tiny because they are bantam cochins. One of the babies found the hole and managed to get away from mom on the other side of the protection. I am thinking that the bigger chickens attacked her or the squirrel. They pecked her eye out on one side. The other eye didnt look damaged but she would not open it for about a week. She finally opened it just yesterday but she still cant see. I think she has some kind nerve damage. She doesnt respond to sound either. The mama rejected her so I set up a mama heat pad brooder for her and she knows how to use that for warmth now. She is eating and drinking and scratching for food. I grabbed 2 of her hatch mates to put in with her so she is not alone. I dont know if she will make it in the long run but I am going to be here to care for her until she quits. She is spunky and has a lot of life in her right now. Thanks again for your support. I Named her Chicken Little and here she is....This is the side with the eye that didnt look damaged. The other eye has a big scab over it.

Oh, she is so sweet! You are wonderful to take care of her, and I really hope she does OK. find yourself thinking a teeny bit about whether your lead hen might like to have her nails done because she is OBSESSED with your new dark red nail polish, cannot stop staring at it, tries to put your thumb in her beak, etc. Not that you ever would paint her talons, as that would probably be very bad for her. But you think about how cute she would look with a manicure.....

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