You know you love your chickens when...

We just lost our Light Brahma to an illness in May. She was the sweetest thing. Can't wait to see what they turn into!
Oh, no!

That is funny about the red nail polish. A friend was in the chicken yard with me - I alsways take my friends to the yard to see the chickens. She was wearing flip flops- and had red nail polish. My Buff Orpington kept pecking her toes. She had to get behind me to escape the peckage. Apparently, Alberta loves nail polish.
That is funny about the red nail polish.  A friend was in the chicken yard with me - I alsways take my friends to the yard to see the chickens.  She was wearing flip flops- and had red nail polish.  My Buff Orpington kept pecking her toes.  She had to get behind me to escape the peckage.  Apparently, Alberta loves nail polish.
Our go for my wife's toes...with or without polish. I think it's funny watching them go after her, her...not so much
All of these are so funny. I have a chicken problem - like when I was at a work cook-out function and I asked the catering staff if I could take the whole tray of leftover watermelon to my chickens.
I got an odd look and a "no".... And I knew she didn't have any chickens or she would have totally got it!
I sooo hate seeing leftovers go in the trash- esp the stuff I know my girls would love. But I have to control my doggy bag requests or they look at me like 'that crazy chicken lady'
When you're sitting on the couch at 11:30 at night snuggling three teeny chicks because they were having trouble sleeping even though you've got to get up early for work in the morning.
All of these are so funny. I have a chicken problem - like when I was at a work cook-out function and I asked the catering staff if I could take the whole tray of leftover watermelon to my chickens.
I got an odd look and a "no".... And I knew she didn't have any chickens or she would have totally got it!

When you're sitting on the couch at 11:30 at night snuggling three teeny chicks because they were having trouble sleeping even though you've got to get up early for work in the morning.
Those are the best moments! Especially when they climb on you on their own. Love the little black one with the white spot. Black Australorp? I have Biel Silver Wyandottes that look like that.
One of the 7 Easter Eggers I bought last April looked exactly like that, and now that she's grown the others here say that she is a BA. Take that with however many salt grains you like

You Know You Love Your Chickens When...

You actually read all 500+ posts in this thread!
you know you love your chickens go out into the pouring rain to check on them and work on fixing leaks, over flowing rain barrel thats flooding the enclosure and get soaked to the bone even though you got rain gear on...all so they stay warm and dry
yup...welcome to sunny florida

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