You know you're a backyard chicken owner when...

That awesome!
You know you're a backyard chicken owner when you get very excited about a new layer. You take multiple photos of the tiny pullet egg to share with all your family & friends.
(Here it is in the nest box.... in the egg to the other eggs collected that day... in the fry pan, etc.) Of course most friends/ family can't relate, so they cannot truly appreciate your joy & accomplishment. You then share your pics on BYC and feel justified when you get dozens of "likes."
Your stove has two pots going on it...

On the left, chicken soup (soup with chicken in it for people to eat)
On the right, "chicken soup" (meat and veggie scraps, including the carrot peels from the making of the chicken soup, FOR the chickens).

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Sometimes the chicken's food looks pretty good. I have my chicken crock pot out in the garage to avoid confusion .
You know that you're a (happily) crazy chicken person when you tuck the girls in at night and tell them stories until they settle down. Mine are fond of "how you got your names", "the history of America", "where & when fireworks were invented and why you're hearing that racket outside". We discuss ANY stories of chickens doing funny or heroic things in the news (tv had a story of a house fire that didn't result in loss of life simply because the neighbor's chickens made such a racket that they awoke the family, who were able to make it to safety.) I have showed them pictures of our vacations, constantly sing the good morning song & since one is named Maybelline, she got to hear her Chuck Berry song. Every time he sang her name, she'd look at me!

I love my chickens more than I like most people.

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