You might be a “Southie” if...

For example. Up north we use the two words

“You All”.

Southies make it into one word “Yalls”,
to even make it harder for us Northerners to understand it looks like one word and one syllable.
I must pull the Southie grammar card on you.

Yall is equal to You all

Yalls as you said it equals you all all

This is true southie grammar look it up.
I have a question on Southies.

Is it a Southie thing to make giant books tracing your relatives all the way back to noah?
And then do they hold family reunions and you "have" to invite every cousin and 4th cousin and even dear aunt Betsy from the middle of south america?
I think so. But I am not a fan of all that nonsense, beings I am not truly 100% southie.
I always have hemorrhoids that day and can't go.
Such a shame. 🤣

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