Young Bantam chicken Not Eating Much


Feb 5, 2019
Australia, QLD

I got these two bantam chicks. So adorable.. anyways.
When i got them they had a very slight difference in size... you could only tell if they were standing and looking up right next to each other.
Now a month later, one had grown by half the original size and the other one... not even sure she has really grown much... now u can see clearly how one is tiny and one is getting bigger n bigger.

Im feeding them chick started feed mixedd w a little bit of layer feed. They get shell grit mixed into it aswell. They r eating both. Plus daily some tuna, scrambeled eggs, watermelon and whatever else left over..

Since day one, the bigger one has had balls and the small one runs after her doing only what she is doing. She only eats what she is picking on. And she only eats And drinks when she SEES the other one eating and drinking. Its like nothing is edible before the other one eats it. She is not willing to come up and eat something they get every day until the bigger one eats it and then she only pecks a little bit... i barely see her having a good munch, i almost never see her drinking.
When the other one is drinking and she doesnt notice, i then quickly get her attention so she would notice that she would also drink, and when she notices she runs there quick like “wooow really theres water ???” And as soon as bigger one stops drinking its like “ whatever, i dont like it anyways”
Im getting a bit worried. She does nothing by herself. And she is barely growing. But otherwise she looks very healthy.

Should i be more worried or what should i do ?
They arent just chickens to lay eggs. They r more like pets. They love roosting on my legs and hands lol ☺️
They look fine. :love

How old are they now?

Chicks do not need any layer feed, it has less protein and more calcium than chick starter. Scrambled eggs are a nice treat or supplement when really needed, but they are about 34% protein and a whopping 64% fat... so do so in moderation. I would also offer the grit on the side instead of mixed into the feed. Tuna should not be needed daily unless their feed is deficient in something that the tuna is offering. Please keep these treat to not more than 10% of their total daily consumption.
Have you had them sexed? The one may be a rooster, which could explain why the other one wants to follow their lead. Roosters often check out things for hens, though unsure I've seen a hen following to this extreme before. If the bigger one isn't a rooster they could be a dominant hen, which may also have an effect on the eating pattern. It would likely have the opposite effect though, so unsure about dominant hen theory.
They look fine. :love

How old are they now?

Chicks do not need any layer feed, it has less protein and more calcium than chick starter. Scrambled eggs are a nice treat or supplement when really needed, but they are about 34% protein and a whopping 64% fat... so do so in moderation. I would also offer the grit on the side instead of mixed into the feed. Tuna should not be needed daily unless their feed is deficient in something that the tuna is offering. Please keep these treat to not more than 10% of their total daily consumption.

Thank you very much for your anwser!
Umm, about the age... i have got no idea im sorry, they were gifted to me. I know that quite young because the smaller one closed her eyes a lot and slept often, Went to sleep when i scrAtched her chest.. shes getting a bit more active now. But yeah... i dont know :(

Holy, i didnt know that about eggs.
Okay :)
Yeah i tend to want to spoil them, ill stop .
Thank you for helping me :)
Have you had them sexed? The one may be a rooster, which could explain why the other one wants to follow their lead. Roosters often check out things for hens, though unsure I've seen a hen following to this extreme before. If the bigger one isn't a rooster they could be a dominant hen, which may also have an effect on the eating pattern. It would likely have the opposite effect though, so unsure about dominant hen theory.

Oh really ??? No i havent ? I assumed that they did that where ever they were bought from. I would ask but the person who got them for me, but i cant atm :(.

Its funny tho. Little one does everything the big one does except she is the first one to jump to roost on me. And she is very feisty. She is scAred And jumpy but at the same time she tries to dominate the big one herself (only sometimes) By pecking at her and bumping chests and chasing her, doesnt make sense, at the same time severely depending on the big one... its like she has this bitchy personality hahah. Likes to act tuff with the big one and then the big one goes away and she runs after her like “no no i didnt mean it just kidding where u going wait for meeee” ahahah
Oh really ??? No i havent ? I assumed that they did that where ever they were bought from. I would ask but the person who got them for me, but i cant atm :(.

Its funny tho. Little one does everything the big one does except she is the first one to jump to roost on me. And she is very feisty. She is scAred And jumpy but at the same time she tries to dominate the big one herself (only sometimes) By pecking at her and bumping chests and chasing her, doesnt make sense, at the same time severely depending on the big one... its like she has this bitchy personality hahah. Likes to act tuff with the big one and then the big one goes away and she runs after her like “no no i didnt mean it just kidding where u going wait for meeee” ahahah
Well, as long as the chicken still seems healthy you don't have much to worry about. If you really think she isn't eating then you should probably take her to the vet. You could also get the two sexed when you can. If you notice her dropping from her already small size and weight you could try and entice her with treats, but going to the vet is probably the best option.
Well, as long as the chicken still seems healthy you don't have much to worry about. If you really think she isn't eating then you should probably take her to the vet. You could also get the two sexed when you can. If you notice her dropping from her already small size and weight you could try and entice her with treats, but going to the vet is probably the best option.

Thank you! Appreciate your Advice! ❤️

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