Young Hen acting strange-staying alone-not eating


6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
I have a 20 week old Barr rock who is acting strange. Over the last few weeks she has become quite the loner. Doesnt come running like my other girls. I thought maybe she was death. But now she is going in the coop at night before the rest of the hens and last to come out of the coop. Her tail feathers are down not up like the rest of the hens. She is drinking lots of water but I havent seen her eat food. I even put some meal worm treats in my hand and she wouldnt eat any. I have been getting some small eggs but not sure which hens is laying them. I am going on vacation tomorrow and would like some advice.
I am not sure if she is laying I have eight hens and at least one is laying. There was some bloody poop in the coop yesterday kinda of like a a few red clots very small. Never seen this before and none today. I am not home to observe during the day. Could she be having trouble laying an egg.
You don't need a vet, you need to get some Corid and treat this whole flock for cocci asap, as in days ago would have been better. Get the 20% powder or the 9.6% liquid, doesn't matter. Dose for powder is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water, make it up fresh every day. Dose for liquid is 2 teaspoons per gallon, same directions, treat for 5 to 7 days. For birds that are acting sick and may not drink enough, give it to them directly with a needless syringe or eye dropper every few hours the first day. They should perk up quickly. If you are going to be gone make sure you have somebody who can take over and make up their water with fresh meds every day. This is most likely coccidiosis and it will kill them and fast without proper treatment.
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I hate to mention dosing again, but the Corid website says that the dose for the powder is 3/4 teaspoon which medicates the water at the .012% level. That is the recommended dose for cattle, but for a severe outbreak in poultry, the FDA recommended dose is .024%, .012% is for moderate outbreaks.

I think that those that have been dosing with 1/2 teaspoon have been under dosing, but I still need to do the math. If someone can tell/show me that there are 900-1000mg of amprolium in 1/2 a teaspoon I will never mention this again, lol.

The 2 teaspoons of the liquid (960mg) are for severe outbreaks and half that for moderate outbreaks.

Vet wasn't ad much help ad trCtir supply who gave me z name of person very familiar with chicks. We are treating with corid. I am going yo start another thread on emergency supplies to have on hand. I had the mist trouble finding cotid. Finally got dome from a cow vet.

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