young hen with white dot in center of both eyes


13 Years
Mar 20, 2010
North Texas - chickens 10 yrs
she is a lavender americauna, she is eating well and laying, she is slow to come out of the coop etc, and she always misses the grapes. Yesterday I noted cloudiness in both eyes, They don't seem to bother her, she doesn't seem to be in pain, I don't think I can afford cataract surgery. what can I do for my hen? Do I need to do anything for her? She is the last out of the coop and stays near her sisters and obviously has just peripheral vision, based on her reaction when I am near her


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It might just be the picture, but her eyes look okay. If she can see well, and if her flockmates don’t pick on her more than usual, I don’t think anything’s terribly wrong. Could it maybe just be some irritation from dust?
its both eyes. She has peripheral vision but can't aim to pick up a grape. Flockmates aren't bothering. Will try to find better pic. front hen is her. She gets nervous if I get too close because she can see me peripherally and then can't tell where I am


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it does resemble glaucoma. Which as long as she can eat and doesn't run into a predator she should be ok. It eliminates the option of moving them to the other coop, because she won't know her way around and the lot is a bit wilder
its both eyes. She has peripheral vision but can't aim to pick up a grape. Flockmates aren't bothering. Will try to find better pic.
That is strange. I see the white dot now. For eye issues, I normally recommend that the owner steep yarrow and plantain in water for about two hours, and use an eye dropper to put it on the chicken’s eye. This is unusual, but I think it would still work. Plantian helps pain, and yarrow flushes out infection. Although you did say she didn’t sound like she was in pain, so you technically don’t need the plantain.
I would think so if just one eye, but it's both and I think it's been getting gradually worse. We get wind, she might have got a face full of sand at some point, if its infection maybe the yarrow will work. OR I have cat eye drops for infection (my cat has a plugged duct and it will have to be unplugged.) @DotToDot would those be better? Antibiotic with a steroid I think

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