Young roo behavior problem, GRRR


9 Years
Oct 31, 2010
On the side of a knoll...
Ok, among the many chickens we have, we have 3 RIR roos. Two of which are fine but the third one keeps attacking my little duck, who is actually about the same size. The other day when the roo attacked Duckie (yea, her name is Duckie lol) he looked as though he was trying to mate her which I have seen with my MIL's previous roosters trying with her Mallards... I'm aggravated b/c none of our other chickens do that. I have actually been trying to sell the 3 roos but no success... Ok, so here's a question: WHY is this little roo doing this???
Well...he probably just has a high sex drive or something. XD
Kidding, but it might be true in some aspect. He needs a girl or something. Maybe you should seclude him alone with a hen so he and her could have some one-on-one or whatever. Even just isolate him by himself, not so he can calm down or something, but so he won't hurt poor Duckie. :)
You could keep him there until you finally manage to sell him, and as far as I'm concerned, there's no way for you to stop him from mating and or attacking your duck, I don't believe. He'll just keep on doing whatever the heck he wants to do. X3

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