Your crossing your fingers for me worked (Update)


Chicken Addict Wanna-be
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Piedmont, NC
I've been looking to adopt a young, female Great Pyrenees, but hadn't had any luck in finding one that was young but needed a good home. (All the ones I've found were adults.) Even posted a WTB here, in case someone knew someone who was having to get rid of one.

Well, I just happened to see an ad on fainting goats on Craigslist last night, and began a conversation with the seller in which I mentioned that I was looking for a Great Pyr to protect the chickens I'm about to get. She just emailed to tell me that someone dropped off two Great Pyrenees-looking puppies on her friend's farm, and one is in need of placement. She's a little girl and still has puppy fur.

Cross your fingers, please, that she's a good little girl and it works out that I can get her. It would be wonderful to "save" a dog that was just discarded like that, and I want a Great Pyr specifically to help with my poultry later. This could be really cool if it works out.


Update ~ Post #5. I got her.
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Crossed finger, typing?

Thank y'all and guess what? I got her!

She's bigger than I expected, maybe 30+ pounds, but a total sweetheart and already knows how to walk on a leash. Covered in fleas, though. We'll be doing a full workup on Friday at the vet's. Her sister might be available, too, but I'm not worried about it if not.

I'm in love...


ETA picture
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Oh WOW! That's cool. I just bought two 6 week old Great Pyrenese puppies maybe two or three week ago. Ironic, huh? One is a male and the other a female. They are sooo sweet. I do have to mention they are stubborn, big time.
Whew, they are persistent little buggers! Cute ones though. I love them to death. All that fur and little faces.
Good luck and have fun with her.
if the other is available I would be interested we have a male now and he would appreciate some help.

Kenneth Flippen
@ HennyHandler - Thanks and thanks for the advice, too. lol Post some pictures of yours, cos I'm sure they're cuties!

@ can't get enough chicken ~ Those are good names, and I do like Scout.
And yes, there are too many to choose from. lol I'm going to give a little time while learning her personality and then, hopefully, the perfect name will arise. It's going to have to be something regarding serendipity because this worked out too well for it not to be.

@ Kenneth Flippen ~ I'll keep that in mind, but the woman I got her from said that she's 95% sure that her sister is placed, so don't get your hopes up. I would've taken them both had they been available, even though it's more difficult to train 2 at a time. lol

Someone just dumped them on her farm. She put up posters and even an ad, but no one answered. It boggles the mind how someone could do that. The way she is on a leash, she and her sister were definitely someone's pets at one time. Apparently, they're food aggressive, so maybe that's why they were dumped? With all the Great Pyr rescues around here, it's amazing that they didn't just surrender them instead. But, I guess it all worked out for me, so I shouldn't complain about this one instance.

Thanks again, y'all.

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