Your funny Practical Joke's.


10 Years
Jun 3, 2009
Belton, Missouri
What are the funny practical joke's you ever played on anyone. I will tell you one I played on my Hubby. I put Vaseline all over the Toilet Seat, when he sat on it, he slid off of the Toilet onto the floor. He has since played several practical jokes on me.
I worked in NYS parks,so new victims were hired weekly. I took it as well as gave it. I know we've all seen the fake turd trick, but take it to the next level. One tube of terrytone colored caulk. One can of spray foam insulation, and an unsuspecting victim. spray a cow pie shape & size blob, of spray foam.(allow to dry) coat with terry tone caulk. Make a few small caulk turds aswell(for realism) Shut off the water valve to the toilet and flush out any water. Big turd in the bottom with caulk turds on the seat. Add a bit of wet toilet paper. When someone else refuses to clean it,(They always need someone else to witness the mess) reach rite in and grab a hand full to throw in a garbage. If that dont get em,wipe your hand on em after........I worked with a ruthless bunch of practical joke players. They even filled a guys truck with snow and sprayed it with a hose every 15 minutes for about 5 hours. One big trucksickle. I think that was payback for talcing ever ones heater vents in the trucks.....I could write a book
A huge turd in the toilet, that would not flush it was so huge! Hubby came in laughing and told me it was Fake, Thank Goodness that thing was Monstrous! Keep the jokes comming I want to hear more.
Hubby and I met at work about 6 years ago. We worked for a civil engineering firm, so our day-to-day work was done on the computer. One day I go to open the program to work on a project and the entire software program was upside down!
Hubby implanted some programming text that made the program appear upside down on the screen. He sat around the corner and just busted up laughing as soon as he heard me mumble "What the heck?!?!". Luckily he came and fixed it immediately.

Another one that he did was tape down the hang up button on the phone on my desk. So, when I went to answer one of my phone calls, I pick it up, but my phone was still ringing.

And yet another one.... (April Fool's is an interesting day with my DH)
He tied a rubberband around the sprayer on our sink, so when I turned the water on in our kitchen sink the spray nozzle went off and my shirt was soaked!

Oh..this one didn't involve my DH...he's not this mean...
The guys in the office all knew that the secretary was scared of bugs. They collected a few dead roaches and put them on her desk and placed a piece of paper over it. They told her they needed a copy of the paper (or something similar to that) and when she lifted it she gave a nice, blood curdling scream! She was ticked for better part of a day.
Bout ten years ago we had a guy in our church, He lived across the road from me and had got a few chickens when he bought the place behind him! He was a big hunter but didnot know anything about chickens! One friday night I put a few turkey eggs in one of his nesting boxes! That sunday at church he had one of the eggs with him! I thought he would have come to me first and I would have a good time with him for a few min! Then tell him the truth! This was a little country church full of old farmers! They gave him hell in that little Baptist Church! I felt bad for him. I felt bad for myself when he found out I was the only one around with turkeys(only had 4) but three gave me really big eggs! And they cook up just fine!
when my husband and I first started dating, he worked the graveyard shift. While he was at work one night a friend and I seran wrapped his truck. It wasn't reallt seran wrap, but some sort of huge industrial roll of seran-like suff. We went under and over and around, covered the cab in the stuff. Not an easy task to get into. He carries a pocket knife, so I guess he did'nt have to much trouble getting in, sadly LOL

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