Your killings me smalls

So Goldie has been paying rent on a daily basis she skipped one day then back to work.
Now I'm ichin for my other ladies help contribute to rent. Barbecue will squat when I pet them at night and Chicky likes to go in the coop and incourage Princess Goldie when she lays her egg. All of them have swollen crops and waddle growth with redder tint. So I'm back to a watched pot never boils :)
I also "watched the pot" for ages. Finally had a hurricane, (amazing to watch chickens natural instincts!). Once Harvey finally left, I was too busy with post-hurricane stuff, ( luckily we did not flood), and all of a sudden when I went to clean the coop, there was a tiny little brown egg!! A watched pot never boils.
However, I do suspect that one of my girls has a hidden stash. Stinker!
I also "watched the pot" for ages. Finally had a hurricane, (amazing to watch chickens natural instincts!). Once Harvey finally left, I was too busy with post-hurricane stuff, ( luckily we did not flood), and all of a sudden when I went to clean the coop, there was a tiny little brown egg!! A watched pot never boils.
However, I do suspect that one of my girls has a hidden stash. Stinker!
Yay a golden egg after a terrible event. So glad you did not get flooded
My leghorns took FOREVER to start laying. I thought I had duds haha. And then it was one egg every few days for a few weeks till they got a good schedule going. When an egg song is sung my whole flock joins in. It gets noisy but I love it
My leghorns took FOREVER to start laying. I thought I had duds haha. And then it was one egg every few days for a few weeks till they got a good schedule going. When an egg song is sung my whole flock joins in. It gets noisy but I love it
I'm hoping my other gals sing the egg song Princess Goldie only sange it the first couple of times she layed her an egg and that was before she layed them silly gal
Someone is playing in the nesting box. Went to collect Prices Goldie's egg and nothing, but two of the golf balls had been pushed out of the box.
Goldie always gathers the 4 balles I have in there (it a box big enough to have two nest but we did not put a divider in). At first I keep putting two balls on each side and every time she would gather them to the side she liked and add her egg. I stoped moving the balls and let her keep them were she wants.
I was joking with my hubby that someone disrupted her neasting box and she was upset :)
Any way I put the balls back in the box on the the other side of the other two, went to tuck my girls in bed and noticed all the balls had been gathered to Goldie's side apparently she decided to give us an egg despite someone messing with her box
Hip hip hurray that watched pot finally boiled that's now 2/4 hens laying, and Blacky has started squatting. So I get to watch another pot. So excited
Lol - I am watching that same pot from here!!!

I have leghorns who didn't get the memo about when they were suppose to start laying. They are just over 20 weeks old and nada. Only one is turning a little red in the comb and face. The others are still "peachy". My other girls (in that flock) are just over 21 weeks old and should start laying soon... only a few like 2 out of 14 are starting to turn a bit red. And nobody squats. They are with 2 RIR roosters (who are very docile) and 2 (same aged) Buffs. Only one of those buffs has been observed trying to mate -- once. So we will see...

Maybe if I watch your pot and you watch my pot??

I do check the big old pasture daily for hidden eggs. None.
Any new eggs yet?
:barnie:hit Nope. In that flock, I have 6 at 21 weeks, 4 at 22 weeks, and 2 at 34 (?) weeks. And nada. I still walk the pastures and look for eggs. I still talk to them about laying eggs. *sigh* It will happen when it happens. I just need to be patient.

My senior flock is wrapping up their molt and a few are laying eggs again. In my almost daily search for potential problems, I found a hidden laying spot. It's under an outdoor furnace with barely 2-3" clearance. (I had seen a girl dart that direction, but thought nothing of it. I must have found the spot the first day they started using it. It's creepy scary to put my hand under there to get the eggs.) So my old gals are gifting me with about 7-11 eggs a day. Down from the previous, pre molt, pre snake event number of 24 - 27.

:wee:clap Congrats on your second layer!!!

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