Your roos – good or bad? *Updated Chart on Page 15*

I have a 16 week Australorp who is so far, as sweet as they get. I'm still going to keep an eye on him. The problem is, he loves to be carried around everywhere. I take him for walks too... He's not really an average roo...
Silver Gray Dorking - perfect cockerel. Extremely sweet and docile. At about 10 months of age, he became a total jerk. Attacking anyone and anything. BUT he is the perfect guard of the flock. He looks after every single one of them. He even snatched a hawk out of the air that was after a broodies baby chicks. That is his saving grace and why he's not in a stew pot right now. Great protector - but mean to humans.

Phoenix - small, but good rooster. Tends to pick his favorite hens to look after. But he focuses on them and doesn't do a good job looking after the others. Very docile, not skiddish, and I've never had to watch my back with him.
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Name: Cletus
Breed:Rhode Island Red
Age:9 months

Cletus is now the perfect gentleman. About 5 weeks ago he flogged me while I was in the run. I immediately introduced him to the dunk method as taught to me years ago by my uncle. Now he respects me as his caretaker as I do him as the flock leader.

He is and has always been good to the girls by looking for danger, finding them food etc. When I take snacks into the run, he even takes snacks to the ones who may be in the nesting boxes laying.

I hope he learned his lesson, I hate to eat something that is this good with the flock. I don't try to humanize my chooks, however I will not tolerate being attacked.
My leghorn roo is the downright nicest roo I have ( to me anyways). (good)

I had 2 Mille fluer roos and I'd say they were okay. They were real cuties though! (2 okays)

I had 4 Old English game roos and 3 out of the 4 were the most downright meanest things I've had. The 3 would plan their flogging attack all at the same time on my visitors and my family. The 4 ones was a real lovey dovey he was sweet as cherry pie!. (3 bad and 1 good)

My showgirl roo is just getting into his "teen" stage but he is a real sweety. (good)

My wyandotte roo is also very sweet. (good)

All of them though have watched out for danger.


I love my EE roo Comet. He was one of the best boys I ever had. Sadly he was was one of the victims to the unknown deadly disease.


This is Dominic my Silkie roo. I love him so much. We was a great leader of his flock. He sadly was a victim of the unknown deadly disease too.



This is Scratch my Silver Laced Polish roo. He was a funny little thing. His life was shorten when he became a victim ot the unknown deadly disease too.

I also had a Wheaten Ameraucana roo named Phoenix. He was a great sidekick with Comet. They were best buds. Sadly he became a victim to the unknown deadly disease too.
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Ahhhhh...have lots of roosters. In the photos: one is my old White Leggy, very sweet. The other is an older EE/Barred Rock/? mix...very protective of the hens, warns of hawks, but great with people and tolerant to other younger roosters.

Also have a bearded EE that is very pleasant to be around and non-aggressive and an Andalusian that can be annoyingly aggressive if something "bothers" him. He is nice with his hens though and a gorgeous bird, two qualities that redeem him somewhat.


I have 11 male bantam cochins in one pen and they all get along beautifully. There is one splash that is a little meaner (to other birds not people) and was picking on the other roos so I had to separate him but overall they are wonderful and very easy to handle.
I've got one bada$$ new hampshire red that's gonna go to freezer camp this weekend. He drew blood on Monday and I punted him across the pen. Now his hackles go up every time I walk in the pen. Not gonna have that.
You can add my d'Uccle as good; my Minorca bantam as good; my Speckled Sussex as good; and my EE as good. I have been very lucky so far with my boys. But my d'Uccle is my favorite. I carry him around and love on him and hold him while I am outside. He is Very docile.
Blue Ameraucana.... "Spaz"... I like him.

Partridge Cochin... "Big Daddy" a sweetheart

G. C. Maran.. "Barak".... I'm only keeping him for breeding. if his mate would ever lay an egg!

He is just the most NOISY bird, he crows day and night, won't shut up and thinks
an awful lot of himself. Thus the name.

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