Zip ties for leg bands?

I'm using colored zip ties at the moment. I'm considering buying numbered bands to tell the hens apart, but I really like being able to see who is who from colors right now.

Any suggestions?
I'm a big e-bay shopper
and I got 30 bands for 5.75, about .19 a piece. They often will have it where you can order different colors (say 5 blue, 5 pink, 3 orange etc) and different sizes within your number limit (I got sizes 5, 8, and 12 in pink and blue, 5 of each color per size)

I didn't even think of using zip ties..doh
Guideline Chart for Bird Leg Band Sizes
Band Size # Physical Size Fits
2 1/8" Canaries, day old Quail
3 5/32" Parakeet, 1-4 week old Quail, Doves, Cockatiels, Guinea keets
4 1/4" Baby Chicken, Coturnix Quail, small Pigeon, adult Bobwhite Quail
5 5/16" Pheasant hen, Tumblers, medium Pigeon, Homers, Wood Duck
6 3/8" Pheasant cocks, month old Chickens, large Pigeons, Chukar Partridge
7 7/16" Ringneck Pheasants, Mallards, Wild Ducks, Bantams, Feather Leg and Runt Pigeons
9 9/16" Wild Ducks, Pheasants, Leghorn hens, Ancona, Silkie, Gamebirds
10 5/8" Wild Turkey, Minorcas, Cross breeds, adult Guineas
11 11/16" Rock hens, Wyandottes, Rhode Island Red hens, Leghorn cocks, medium Ducks: Runners, Swedish, Harlequin
12 3/4" Wild Geese, Rocks, Turkey hens, Geese, Jersey Giant cocks, Orpingtons, larger Ducks: Pekins, Rouens, Muscovy
14 7/8" Canada Geese, Turkeys, Honkers, Jersey Giant Cocks
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Has anyone considered using the wristbands that they use at events? I would imagine they could be cut in half to make them more cost effective and you could write on them with different colored sharpies. I'm one of those that is concerned about the sharp edges of the zip ties. What do you all think? Anyone want to split a box? ($21/500) ($11/100)
I also found them on Ebay with free shipping.
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My zip ties didn't have sharp edges... not sure what you mean by that.
I only used them for adult turkeys, so I didn't have to adjust them at all. Two fell off after 6 months, but the other hen still wears hers.
I bought a chicken at an auction that turned out to be lame because her ziptie grew into her leg. so much so, you could barely see it (it was green) we cut it off but she only could hop and not use that leg. very sad. down with zipties!

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