Zip ties for leg bands?

What I did with my 5 leghorns was, bought the smallest zip tyes I could find, I got 4 different colors and left one chicken blank. Then I zip tyed it where it was loose enough for growth but NOT LOOSE ENOUGH TO GET CAUGHT ON ANYTHING. Then I cut the access off so the chickens could not tightn them. They've had them on ever really does help to, I wouldn't have know who I lost if it wasn't for them. I hope this helps and Goodluck.
not if you cut the end short
I suppose some how they might
find a way to make it more tight by pushing it towards the leg
but that seem remote to me....

I use them on my ducks (that fly) also..
I was thinking of using them on my buffs, to tell them apart. But after seeing what has happened with my tomato plant. Nope. Will wait and get them leg bands made for birds.

Zip ties are also called wire ties or cable ties
You can find them anywhere in many dif colors and sizes.
Can you number them or are you stuck to Color combinations? I have 27 chickens and just thinking of that many color combinations makes me tired.
Zip ties are something that is use to tie bundles of wire
together You can find them at the home improvement
store or prob even wal mart

OH ok thanks,
Rhett&SarahsMom :

I was thinking of using them on my buffs, to tell them apart. But after seeing what has happened with my tomato plant. Nope. Will wait and get them leg bands made for birds.

Zip ties are also called wire ties or cable ties
You can find them anywhere in many dif colors and sizes.

what happened to your plant?​

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