Zombie attack

Yes. I will feel bad...but I will still double tap them! (Zombie Rule #4)

Cardio (Rule # 1.
Way over done,what one needs incase of zombies is a super walmart!that and camping skills/supplies because you will want to hightail it out of populated areas because it's most likely airborn.
I'm glad I'm not the only one....

I've had dreams of the place I'll be in, with 3 other people, that I know nothing about but who are just as prepared as I am. Poor DBF got bit so he's shackled to the side of the barn inside this ginormous attic. He changes and as I pull the trigger on him, I wake up.

Same dream, same ending. I never know when he gets bit, but only that he does. Ironically, the attic is pine.
I too had a dream about zombies, the other day. Never had one before. I could hardly go back to sleep! ZGF was nowhere to be found and I teamed up with a different girl.

There's no reason to think about chicken zombies. Goats are freaky enough without being zombies (those eyes) but since goats eat anything, like chickens, they'd probably be the first to become second generation zombies. I don't want to see what a drooling chicken looks like. Snarling, hissing chicken? I'd never sleep again.
There is a saying among survivalist types that if you are prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you will be prepared for the more mundane, every day emergencies like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, riots, wildfires, etc... Basically anything that would cause a breakdown in society and basic services.

I believe this is true.

So while we do use humor and it can take very funny turns, there is a core of reality there. After all, the "zombies" you might one day face could be looters, gang members, or a hoard of refugees.

I recommend Zombieland and Shawn of the Dead as 2 good movies to start your training.

I second Zobieland for the RULES...........always wear your seatbelt!!! Never go to the bathroom in a public place!!!!!!!!!!Trust no one..........................
There is a saying among survivalist types that if you are prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you will be prepared for the more mundane, every day emergencies like floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, riots, wildfires, etc... Basically anything that would cause a breakdown in society and basic services.

I believe this is true.

So while we do use humor and it can take very funny turns, there is a core of reality there. After all, the "zombies" you might one day face could be looters, gang members, or a hoard of refugees.

I recommend Zombieland and Shawn of the Dead as 2 good movies to start your training.

I second Zobieland for the RULES...........always wear your seatbelt!!! Never go to the bathroom in a public place!!!!!!!!!!Trust no one..........................

Double tap (don't be stingy with your bullets. Make sure they are dead)
Don't be a hero.
Pack light.
Enjoy the little things (little nod to Tallahassee).
Cardio. (the fatties become zombies first because they can't run away.... pooooor fatty)

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