Adding windows to a plastic shed


14 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
Ok.. I've searched and searched and searched until my eyes rolled out of my head... Well ok.. Not literally of course... Now that it is getting nice out I went ahead and took the solid windows out and put 1/2" fencing in it's place for more airflow.. I am wanting to put two more windows in, one in each door.. But, the shed I have a Keter plastic shed and I have old drawers that I want to use as the housing of the window... The problem with the shed itself is that everything including the doors is made out of a somewhat hollow plastic.. (If you were to take a cross section of this plastic, it would look like the cross section of corrugated cardboard).. I'm not sure how successful I will be in creating the windows.. Has anyone done this before? Or does anyone know where i can find pics of what it looks like??

Yeah, i was kind of afraid of that... I guess worst case scenario, I could always cut a hole and then cover it with the same wire I put in the windows... ugh!

Don't give up!! You can probably make a frame for a window, I just don't have any idea of how to do it. If it were me, I would go to our local high school and ask the carpentry teacher. My new nest boxes are going to be built by a student in that class.

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