Broken wing


May 18, 2023
My Coop
My Coop
My Polish mix fell from the perch and landed on her wing. She doesn’t move it around at all. The accident happened almost a week ago. She now doesn’t have balance when she walks. She was walking perfectly normal but dragging her wing. Now she doesn’t stand unless I stand her up and she falls straight forward butt in the air. She is also molting right now. She’s almost fully feathered back in. I’m not too sure how to help her. She’s eating drinking fine. Comb is pink she’s just not moving around on her own anymore. Any ideas?
Update her crop is impacted and she won’t put weight on her legs she starts shaking as though it hurts. She does close her paws around my finger on both feet. There is no could smell.
Had she eaten or drunk anything this am before you checked her crop? Check it again first thing in the am. Could she have injured her legs in the fall? How old is she? Does she move her legs, but just cannot stand? I would prop her on rolled towels for positioning, or try making a chicken sling. Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease, and have you ever lost a chicken to an unknown cause?
She might have mereks. The stress from the cold could weaken her immune system enough to start to show symptoms. Falling off the perch could have been a sign of her weakness not an injury.
Had she eaten or drunk anything this am before you checked her crop? Check it again first thing in the am. Could she have injured her legs in the fall? How old is she? Does she move her legs, but just cannot stand? I would prop her on rolled towels for positioning, or try making a chicken sling. Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease, and have you ever lost a chicken to an unknown cause?
Shes 13 months so just over a year. I brought her inside because I kept finding her on her back and it’s in the 20s right now. She hasn’t eaten since last night and it dawned on me to check her crop and it was full. She moves her legs when she is on her back. She wasn’t vaccinated but has been around the same birds since she hatched. I’ve only lost two to a fox. All other birds seem fine. My husband think she might have hit her head after initially breaking her wing. He found her both times.
It can be common for chickens to end up on their backs or side when they have a neurological problem, such as with Mareks, or with a head injury. It is always hard to tell the cause. I would continue to give her supportive care. Is her crop full and firm, doughy or puffy/soft? Will she eat some very watery chicken feed or water scrambled egg? Some small pieces of chilled coconut oil can be offered to her to peck which might help her crop empty. Here is a good article about crop problems, which can accompany other conditions:

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