Has anyone successfully built a coop/run around an existing tree?

What does the rest of this tree look like?
Is it providing shade?
Here's another angle.

Area beyond that tree is fair game to build, whereas the area to the top left starts encroaching on the neighbor, so I'm being mindful of playing nice wrt city regulations. You can also get a rough idea of where the door is located in this pic.
This is all i could find: (and it doesn't strike me as secure)

I wonder if you could setup something like electric fencing around gaps in the opening to keep predators from trying to squeeze through.
Thanks, there are definitely some interesting ideas to draw from there. With my latest measurements, I think I've got more wiggle room on positioning of the "poultry pen" that will eventually make up my outer "coop", so I'm starting to think I should just turn everything 90 degrees and place the run adjacent to the trees and save myself the trouble of a much more complicated build.
Chiming in from the Hill Country--do not cut down a healthy, viable live oak, please. Count yourself lucky that oak wilt hasn't affected your live oaks yet--ask me how I know. As for horizontal growth, that's a factor of time, wind, and Mother Nature; we have plenty of live oaks growing that direction here. Much more interesting than a 'lollipop' tree.

Seeing that you have some shade closer to the fence (in the background of your photo), would that area be an option for some of your chicken housing, or not enough shade overall?
Chiming in from the Hill Country--do not cut down a healthy, viable live oak, please.
Trust me, that's not in the cards. Only trees getting cut down are the ones that are too close to the house.

Seeing that you have some shade closer to the fence (in the background of your photo), would that area be an option for some of your chicken housing, or not enough shade overall?
I'm trying to avoid putting anything too close to the fences as the fence pictured on the left side of the photo has a neighbor, and the fence(s) to the right, back up to the street and my dogs like to run around in that area.
If I didn't have city ordinances mandating distance from neighbors I would move everything over to the fruit tree area in the corner of the fence, but alas, that would probably piss off the neighbors.

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