Coop Apron Decorating/Landscaping


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2024
I just added an above ground apron to my coop and realize it looks a smidge tacky on its own. Is there anything you can do to decorate it without ruining it efficacy?

I was thinking of doing edging, garden cloth, mulch and maybe even cutting some tiny holes in the cloth in the middle to plant flowers? But not sure if putting the edging to keep in the mulch would totally defeat the purpose of the netting…

Is the only real way to maintain protection and then decorate or spruce up the edges fully burying the cloth?
I would not put anything large on top of or at the edge of the apron because yes you would be compromising apron functionality by potentially causing pests/predators to dig under the edge of the apron.

Yes the best way to "hide" an apron is to either bury it under a little mulch, sand, or whatever's naturally around the perimeter area, or if there was grass there before, it'll grow back in and cover the apron.
Yes, if you could top it with a couple of inches of soil and seed it with grass you will never know it's there.


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