top eleven birds you can never have but really want XD

broody rooster

Jul 17, 2015
hello everyone i thought it would be fun to see what others birds you guys are interested in but could probably never have , this bird must be real so no phoenixes or chocobos but it can be extinct or endangered or real and you will most likely never be able to have it and don't forget to list why you could probably never have it whether its protected, endangered, expensive, evil , inst in the trade , does not fare well in captivity , to loud or any other reason you have and you can also list a little information about your chosen bird or tell why you want it so bad.
the lammergeier or bearded vulture ( endangered and hard to give constant supply of bones)
the marabou stork(impossible to get here, its diet and does not play well with others)
any species of currasow( dont have the space and it gets to cold here and is costly )
purple gallinule ( costly to buy and difficult to catch )
barred owl(migratory bird act and could not get constant supply of mice)
moa( extinct and was very dangerous apparently)
passenger pigeon(extinct)
casowary ( only in zoos and is super aggressive)
american black vulture (migratory bird act )
you can also post pictures of your bird i didn't because i have no clue how and suck with computers XD
Interesting list you have. I love birds of prey, especially owls and eagles so here is my list.

Great Grey Owl
Blakiston's Fish Owl
Eurasian Eagle Owl
Snowy Owl
Saw Whet Owl
Elf Owl
Harpy Eagle
Stellar's Sea Eagle
Andean Condor
Bald Eagle
Golden Eagle

The reasons I'll never have any of these are pretty obvious. :eek:)
Nice lists. ;). Here is my list of birds I have owned or currently own:

Society finches
Black capped nun finch
Zebra finches
Sun conure
Nanday conure
Fischer's lovebird
Peach faced lovebird

And, of course, CHICKENS!!!!

I have a great interest in the white snowy owl....which is one I could never own. A local park had one in captivity because it was hit by a car and permanently blinded. It was so neat to see it grow up and know that it was well taken care of and out of harm's way.
and michael who knows if you decide to give falconry a try you could get some of those easy theyll still belong to the government but except for the eagle owl ,Harpy Eagle and Stellar's Sea Eagle
...just saw an add on softbills ...they have a female cassowary for sale shes 6000....WHAT ARE THE ODDS!!
I'd love a pair of Grey Peacock Pheasants. There's even a guy who raises them within driving distance of me, and they were at a price I could afford. Alas, my place is not suitable.
ive decided 11 is kinda hard to name for alot of people so just any birds whether its 1 or 25! i had to take a few off of my original list because there were so many like the seriema, secretary bird, sunbittern kakapo, kea the list goes on hehe

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