What should I get????


6 Years
Mar 19, 2016
Houston, TX
We recently lost our Barred Rock and now only have our Americana, Cider, left. We want to get her some company, so I'm planning to get two more pullets/hens. However, at our "chicken stores" there are limited options. No Barred Rocks or Americanas, only the following:

Rhode Island Reds
Production Reds
Silver Bantams?,all I know is that it started with Silver

We're looking for a nice breed that won't bully our shy little Cider, we want them to at least lay, but mostly just want a nice breed. However,we know nothing of those breeds. Could anyone help? What to do?
Maybe go back and see what the "Silver Bantam" was, it could be many things though I instantly thought of Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams, does that sound familiar? :) Though bantams are probably gonna be smaller than your Easter Egger thought there should be no problems other than smaller eggs and chickens! Rhode Islands and Productions Reds are breeds I haven't experienced personally but here are the BYC reviews on them :)

PR: https://www.backyardchickens.com/products/production/reviews/
RIR: https://www.backyardchickens.com/products/rhode-island/reviews/

Good luck :D

Ya, that was probably a silver laced something. I might try one of those. It will lay smaller eggs. But it also eats less food and takes less space. You can just use more eggs or enjoy the little ones as a novelty.

I have had a RIR, at least that's what it was sold as. She was a consistent layer but was also quite spry. Fast on the treats and middle of the pecking order. below our BR. Incidentally my second BR is top of the pecking order out of 48! I chose not to include that breed in my second flock. But she was very confident and not a bad over all chicken.

No history with production. @CascadiaRiver I love that you included links!

I do find it nice to have a variety of eye candy and personalities and colorful or varied egg basket is always fun!

If the SL is a wyandotte, those are supposed to be good winter layers. None will lay soon of course. And they will likely need heat for a while, but you probably already knew that.

Good luck!
i'd say get the silver laced wyandotte just because they're pretty and i'm bias for them, but it's totally up to you because they are all good breeds.
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From a feed store, Production Reds and "Rhode Island Reds" are the same thing. One might be a sex link type production red, but there's little difference. In any cases, most supposed "RIRs" are ill tempered birds and I would not recommend them.

The bantams might be a good choice, keep in mind bantams are straight run and you may need to rehome cockerels.

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