Does the breed of a rooster affect egg color?


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
My question is in the title. I don't think that the breed of a rooster affects the color of the egg, but I wanted to ask. I have some RIRs, buff orps, and black copper marans that should start laying in a few weeks. The roo that will be with them is a BCM. My expectation is that the egg color will be dictated by the breed of the hen, and be totally unaffected by the breed of the roo. Correct?
I was just wondering that myself. Seems obvious but not to me.
Correct. The color of the egg is controlled by the genetics of the hen. It does not matter what rooster she mates with, her egg color will not be changed. She doesn’t even need to mate with a rooster to lay eggs.
Are you asking if mating with this rooster will change the color that the hen lays? If so, no.
If you are asking about the color of eggs laid by resulting offspring then the answer is yes.

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