Roo or hen?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 7, 2014
I bought a group of Sumatra cross chickens from a poultry auction here in Alberta. Wondering if these 3 were Roos or hens?
Also any idea what the "cross" might be?


The white and red one looks like a red shoulder yokohama, another long tailed breed. Do you know how old they are?

I would agree that the white one looks like a red shoulder Yokohama. They all look pure bred to me at this age. At this time it's hard to tell the sex. My opinion is that the first and third are males and the middle is a pullet. The third one is for sure a male.
I would say that all three of the birds are pullets. The first two look like they could be pure Blue Sumatras, and the third is likely a Red Shoulder Yokohama.
That last one looks a lot like a red shoulder Yokohama.I have a chicken that when she was little looked a lot like glance she looks like a rooster but she is quite and at 21 weeks old, no crowing.she is a ameraucana Yokohama mix. At this point, she could be either. I don't know much about Sumatras, but roosters develop large combs early. Roosters have more spurs so could how many bumps could give you a hint.
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