Freezer camp for the meatballs. (Description of my day processing)


In the Brooder
May 5, 2015
I'd planned on processing the last seven of our meatballs (CX) today. I checked in on them this morning before I began prepping the processing stations.

In the 15 minutes it took me to do that, one of them died on its own. The others weren't very considerate and walked all over it. Why do they do this?

Anyway, he went into the trash. I don't eat birds that die on their own watch.

The other six got strung up on the line and I made the cuts. I went to weight them but they were too far for our scale. We have a postage scale that goes up to 10lb. They were so big for only 8w2d old. Dressed out around 8lb 13oz average!!

During plucking two suffered broken wings in the plucker and their skin was torn. I ended up skinning them and cutting the meat off. The breasts weighed about 15-18oz each!

As soon as the last one was plunked into the ice bath, I got stung by a teeny tiny sweat bee. I stood up to grab a piece of ice from the cooler but ended up passing out, skinning up my arm/wrist pretty bad. My hand and throat began to swell. The roof of my mouth had bumps all over it and felt sort of like a cat tongue, very rigid.

My daughter has an epi pen for her allergies so my husband administered that on me. It was enough to get me to urgent care where they shot me up with a few things to get me back to normal. Spent half the afternoon in urgent care til I could breathe and speak normally.

My husband jokes that it's the chickens exacting karma on me. He's full of one liners like that.

All in all, I now know I'm allergic to bees. I have 6 big birds/bird parts in the ice bath for their three day rest.

The coop looks so empty now without my little meatballs. The three week old CX aren't quite big enough to be moved in because we have a few dual purpose birds that lived with the CX and the babies can't hold their own against them. Hubby is going to put up a wall to give them more room. The dual purpose spend most of their day outside in the run anyway so they won't be missing the space.

Hope y'all had a better day than me!

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