Recent content by AK Chicken Guy

  1. AK Chicken Guy

    no NPIP in Hawaii!?

    So have you all figured this out?
  2. AK Chicken Guy

    gro-gel plus / quick chick

    Where do I find quick chick?
  3. AK Chicken Guy

    Hedemora Thread

    I am looking for Hedemoras hatching eggs, started chicks juveniles or adult trios. Please message me if you have any available
  4. AK Chicken Guy

    Hedemora Chicken Hatching Eggs

    Do you still have hatching eggs available?
  5. AK Chicken Guy

    Flying on commercial airline with fertile eggs.

    So how was the hatch rate of X-ray eggs? Did the X-ray affect the embryos?
  6. AK Chicken Guy

    all who are hatching quail

    Just hatched 80 2 died rest look healthy.
  7. AK Chicken Guy

    What NOT to feed quail

    I get mine from the sprout guy here it the ones he pulls from grocery store shelves that don't sell. So totally free well I do go and pick it up.
  8. AK Chicken Guy

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Egg went in Friday night fingers crossed
  9. AK Chicken Guy

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    7quail eggs hatched so far!!!
  10. AK Chicken Guy

    all who are hatching quail

    Lockdown incubator last night can't wait!! :D
  11. AK Chicken Guy

    Oyster shells

    Looking for crushed oyster shells that are finer then the regular stuff for chickens. My quails don't eat the bigger pieces so they just go to waste. Any suggestions? And I don't want to crush it myself anymore.
  12. AK Chicken Guy

    Quail Pens/Housing

    This is the plans for the one I build got plan/idea hear I like yours too can you give me some measurements thank you Sam347 what are the dimensions of your coop?
  13. AK Chicken Guy

    Egg in the incubator

    candled on the 16th found 12 not viable either infertile or damaged during shipping found small cracks in a couple. So 57 remain crossing fingers and hoping my son can handle it from here because I'm out of town for a month.
  14. AK Chicken Guy

    Egg in the incubator

    Recived 70 in the mail 7th of OCT. 1 damaged on arrival 69 put in the incubator on the 8th
  15. AK Chicken Guy

    My black copper Marans not laying eggs?

    No rooster city ordinance doesn't allow it. No squating but I don't really pick up my chickens don't get me wrong I don't mistreat my chicken but I don't treat them as pets either. They get the best of everything food, treats, bedding, water even coop expansion.
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