Recent content by bigchicken2

  1. bigchicken2

    Easter Egger club!

    I have one EE hen named Hawk that I got from an assortment from Murray McMurray. She has that typical brown color a lot of EEs have and a gray beard. She lays brighter blue eggs than most EEs that look like Ameraucana eggs. She's one of my nicest chickens and one of her eggs hatched into a...
  2. bigchicken2

    Rooster Good to Us, Mean to Hens

    Some roosters are like this, but usually not this bad, I think he's trying to show he's dominant but doing it too much and attacking them. Some of my roosters do that (because they're young) but not as bad as him. He'll probably grow out of it. Honestly this is why I don't keep roosters. I...
  3. bigchicken2

    Do we have a rooster or a hen??

    Looks like a mix breed hen to me.
  4. bigchicken2

    Wolf Sightings

    I'm working on a map of wolf sightings (CA, NV, OR, WA, CO, UT only) If you have a sighting post it here. Here's the map of sightings:,-111.708984&spn=17.508976,36.826172
  5. bigchicken2

    Purebred versus mixbreed

    Mix breeds are def. best. They have hybrid vigor (so usually better for meat/eggs) they are less inbred, and have different traits.
  6. bigchicken2

    Official Poultryland thread (See first page)

    Poultryland isn't working anymore. It just shows the problem loading page. I hope it didn't crash again.
  7. bigchicken2

    May be able to import- what breeds? Please respond!

    Lincolnshire Buff Old English Pheasant Fowl Marsh Daisy All these are very rare breeds and none are in the USA yet. Also great meat (Lincolnshire Buff) and egg (the other two) breeds. Great foragers, none are flighty or mean.
  8. bigchicken2

    The dutch Feathersite

    OMG Even before I found this thread I LOVED kippenjungle/kippenencyclopedia!
  9. bigchicken2

    Have you ever smelled your chickens?

    Yes I have smelled my chickens. I don't smell the hens (because they aren't very tame) I've smelled my roo (tamer than the hens!) and the chicks.
  10. bigchicken2

    Augsburgers Importation!

    I've requested Greenfire Farms import Blue Augsburgers. They haven't responded yet. I will probably buy three pairs at the beginning and buy more later. This means I will (hopefully) soon be breeding them. Anyone want chicks or hatching eggs?
  11. bigchicken2

    Lavender to what!!??

    Quote: Unless the blues were split for lavender and they had a "black" chick.
  12. bigchicken2

    Cute Rooster Contest!

    Here is the logo! The winners PM me and I will make them a custom banner!
  13. bigchicken2

    Cute Rooster Contest!

    It is definitely time for judging. No more pics please!
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