Recent content by Brahmagal14

  1. Brahmagal14


    My little frosty holland lop female :)
  2. Brahmagal14

    Coolest Mixed Breed contest

    No idea her mix but she lays beautiful large blue eggs and looks stunning! And this is my buff sussex x blue orpington
  3. Brahmagal14

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Here's a little splash chick :) And here's his parents:
  4. Brahmagal14

    Silkie thread!

    This is the cutest silkie I've ever had..and then the dog got her :(
  5. Brahmagal14

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    These are my two silkie x roos that were expected to be females but ended up being males...
  6. Brahmagal14

    Mixed Breed Photo Reference *please read guidelines in first post before adding content*

    Here is Pepper the buff cochin x black cochin And here are some hens that are the same mix except the one on the very right
  7. Brahmagal14

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    I want to know what mix my chicken is because she is very pretty and would like to make the same mix again but can't figure out what she is.Anyone know?
  8. Brahmagal14

    Guess the breed-Chicken

    Is it a black appenzeller spitzhauben?
  9. Brahmagal14

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    This is my standard black cochin × silkie hen
  10. Brahmagal14

    Silkie Cross Thread!! PICS!!

    This is my standard black cochin × silkie hen
  11. Brahmagal14

    Easter Egger and Light Brahma mix?

    She definitely has the same color traits as a light or dark brahma. She probably is a mix of brahma and EE but the unsure part in guessing is that she doesn't have feathered legs and feet like a brahma. She may have taken more of an EEs factor of straight legs though. But she has very pretty...
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