Recent content by bsimpson10

  1. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    Can i get some insight. ..this is a 6.5 week barred rock and i need to know if it's a roo or hen. It definetly acts a little more aggressive then my other chicks and is getting big, iv would say as big as 2 of my chicks that are a week older... Anyways, i don't want a rooster so i would love...
  2. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    Ok here is this barred rock at 6 weeks old... rooster or hen?? The comb and waddles make me think rooster but the legs ans color make me think hen.....thought please??? And at what age will i know for sure??
  3. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    That's the new one (black blob up top) in between the welsummer, easter egger, and white leghorn... they are all sleeping together. She is a lot smaller then the black langshan down in the front but the langshan is bigger then all of them, since she is a week older. Anyways... praying the...
  4. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    The black sex link is a week younger... or maybe not even. Mine are just at 3 weeks and the black sex link is suppose to be between 2-2.5 weeks. She is noticably smaller but not tiny compared to them. She has been in there for a couple hours and they haven't seemed to mind at all. I have a...
  5. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    Well the waddles are turning red already which is my main worry. I can't keep it if it is a roo so just in case i found a black sex link to replace it since it is my 5 year olds. The black sex link is a week younger and a little smaller then the rest so hoping no issues will arise. She has been...
  6. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    Really?? What about the red waddles already?
  7. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    I was afraid of that :( i will have to give him away if thats the case.... if i got a new BR would the 3 weekers kill it?? This one was picked out by my 5 year old :(
  8. bsimpson10

    Barred Rocks!!

    Can i get some insight on this little chick? I bought "her" on 4/10/16 as a supposedly sexed pullet barred rock, and was suppose to be a couple days "she" isn't quiet 3 weeks yet. I am super new to chicks and this is our first time with chickens but something tells me this is a Roo...
  9. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    That is exactly what i said about penguin... like she's in her world and don't care lol. She also seems like she likes to lay out of the heat more, which puts her by herself a lot... but she is a week older then the rest so maybe she gets hot. I do notice her dleeping with the group when it gets...
  10. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    Thank you for the info! I knew she would be a little different since she is older but she just seems really different lol. She acts lazy but still eats and drinks and poos fine. Its hard to find info like that on the web so the personal knowledge is very reassuring. :)
  11. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    So here is Penguins bald behind and funky tail lol... do these look normal or at least okay? She is eating and drinking fine. I saw her poop right after I took these pictures so good there... her poo was a bit more solid then the other chicks? Is that normal for older chicks? I think she...
  12. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    I do not have it raised up. It is just one of those long metal feeders with the holes in the lid. I did raise the waterer up so less bedding pellets would get in it. We are feeding them the medicated chick starter and just regular tap water (we have a well, so not city water). Penguin doesnt...
  13. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    Do you find your langshan chicks to be lazy? Mine just seems lazy compared to the other breeds. She lays down a lot... even to eat sometimes! I looked on the web but there isn't a lot of detailed info on stuff like that... she has really big wing feathers already... that picture was the first...
  14. bsimpson10

    Chicken Newbie with a few questions!

    Thanks for the advice and welcomes! I do have a wire top on the brooder.... it is in the garage and didnt want any chance of another animal getting we have 2 german shepherds that have never had to share their space so being cautious. We are excited to have such a colorful flock!
  15. bsimpson10

    Langshan Thread!!!

    Penguin is her name, chosen by my daughter :) Howdy! So I am new to chickens! We just got 9 baby chicks a few days ago, 1 being a black langshan, pictured above. I have a question.... do they feather differently then other breeds? The other 8 are about a week younger then her, but she looks...
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