Langshan Thread!!!



So here is Penguins bald behind and funky tail lol... do these look normal or at least okay?

She is eating and drinking fine. I saw her poop right after I took these pictures so good there... her poo was a bit more solid then the other chicks? Is that normal for older chicks?

I think she does lay down to eat because it's low... may try raising it when my kids clean out the brooder this evening.

She definitly roosts more then the others. I see her sleeping on top of the feeder a lot... I have some little branches in there but they don't seem to use them.
Hi all,

I am trying to find Langshan that lay a purplish tinted egg. Is there anyone on here that has any? I am interested in chicks or hatching eggs. I live in Idaho. Thank you.
Hi all,

I am trying to find Langshan that lay a purplish tinted egg. Is there anyone on here that has any? I am interested in chicks or hatching eggs. I live in Idaho. Thank you.

Hi! Purplish tinted eggs are a myth, not a real thing. Langshans lay brown eggs. Although sometimes they do have a bloom/film (kind of like the white film on a plum, which is where the myth started) on them that may cause a slight tint, this bloom varies bird to bird and even egg to egg.
I do not have it raised up. It is just one of those long metal feeders with the holes in the lid. I did raise the waterer up so less bedding pellets would get in it.
We are feeding them the medicated chick starter and just regular tap water (we have a well, so not city water). Penguin doesnt seem sick, just different. She eats and drinks and poos and walks around. She isn't as hoppity as the others... i will take a couple pictures of her later and post .. like her bottom... like i said.. we are 100% new to chickens so it could be totally normal lol...i have never seen a chicken grow up and the feathering process so i could just be over analyzing it.
Our first blue Langshan chick was a hatchery chick from the feed store. She had such a quirky personality and we fell in love with her. She is the reason we now breed Langshan. When she was a chick, she used to pick up a pine shaving, dip it in the waterer, and then drop it back with the bedding. She would do this over and over again. We named her Bijou and are currently on Bijou 3 in our flock. As long as I have blue Langshan, I will have one named Bijou in her honor.
Her cute little tail are just her new feathers coming in, they are called pin feathers. That is just a protective sheath around the feathers, it will come off and then you will see a the actual feather. This breed feathers very slow, so you will notice more pon feathers over the coming weeks, bit don't be surprised if she feathers put later then your other chicks. You will probably notice her pin feathers start to come in around her vent area. She probably had her little chick fuzz come put, but she will get feathers there shortly. Also when she starts laying, she probably will start laying after your other hens. My langshan didn't start laying until 8/9 months.


So here is Penguins bald behind and funky tail lol... do these look normal or at least okay?

She is eating and drinking fine. I saw her poop right after I took these pictures so good there... her poo was a bit more solid then the other chicks? Is that normal for older chicks?

I think she does lay down to eat because it's low... may try raising it when my kids clean out the brooder this evening.

She definitly roosts more then the others. I see her sleeping on top of the feeder a lot... I have some little branches in there but they don't seem to use them.

Sorry my phone was acting up and didn't quote you, please see my response above.
Her cute little tail are just her new feathers coming in, they are called pin feathers. That is just a protective sheath around the feathers, it will come off and then you will see a the actual feather. This breed feathers very slow, so you will notice more pon feathers over the coming weeks, bit don't be surprised if she feathers put later then your other chicks. You will probably notice her pin feathers start to come in around her vent area. She probably had her little chick fuzz come put, but she will get feathers there shortly. Also when she starts laying, she probably will start laying after your other hens. My langshan didn't start laying until 8/9 months.

Thank you for the info! I knew she would be a little different since she is older but she just seems really different lol. She acts lazy but still eats and drinks and poos fine. Its hard to find info like that on the web so the personal knowledge is very reassuring. :)
Thank you for the info! I knew she would be a little different since she is older but she just seems really different lol. She acts lazy but still eats and drinks and poos fine. Its hard to find info like that on the web so the personal knowledge is very reassuring. :)

No problem. I love this breed, but in no way, shape, or form an expert. They are pretty easy going, atleast mine is. I had another Langshan, and she too was really sweet and easy going. I like to describe my langshan hen as if she's in her own little world. As long as she is acting normal, and eating, then it just might be her norm to be less active.
No problem. I love this breed, but in no way, shape, or form an expert. They are pretty easy going, atleast mine is. I had another Langshan, and she too was really sweet and easy going. I like to describe my langshan hen as if she's in her own little world. As long as she is acting normal, and eating, then it just might be her norm to be less active.

That is exactly what i said about penguin... like she's in her world and don't care lol. She also seems like she likes to lay out of the heat more, which puts her by herself a lot... but she is a week older then the rest so maybe she gets hot. I do notice her dleeping with the group when it gets colder at night.

Odd question... did your chicks ever yawn? We have a barred rock that seems to yawn... i looked it up and it seems somewhat nornal but could be bad too lol... so much to learn!!
Yeah more often than not my Langshan hen will stray from the flock wondering in her own little world. One time II even caught her sleeping in the middle of the lawn. Go figure....
It's been a couple years since I had chicks so I don't remember. As long they are not yawning constantly, it's probably fine.

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