Recent content by bunch-a-chickens

  1. bunch-a-chickens

    possum attacked last night!

    just stay up a little later and shoot the possum
  2. bunch-a-chickens

    Help needed for hen with large bleeding tumor on back

    ive had enough experience in sick chickens to know, if it seems like it could end their life slowly, and they(if she is) getting any worse, its best to end it quickly. thats as nice and simple as i can put a deadly(if it is) chicken matter. and yes this harsh saying will be posted, its just a...
  3. bunch-a-chickens

    does pollen affect chickens or turkeys?

    i would assume (though i dont know) so. any bits of anything inside anyones nasal passages is going to have some sort of irritation factor. but as far as an allergic reaction, i cant say
  4. bunch-a-chickens

    overrun with mites!!!!!!

    i stepped into the coop to clean it and there were mites crawling all over my feet(had flip-flops on). we're going to buy something to spray it with, then i'll clean it out. what's the best way to keep mites out?
  5. bunch-a-chickens

    is there any hatchery that.....
  6. bunch-a-chickens

    Age of hen

    i think there was somenone who said that their 14 year old laid an egg
  7. bunch-a-chickens

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    just beat the store prices. and 2.50 for mine
  8. bunch-a-chickens

    It Has Begun!!!

    the most fun way to take care of any bug is an airsoft,bb,or pellet gun
  9. bunch-a-chickens

    Roo mating pullets before they lay ????

    they know it's a female, and thats all they need to know
  10. bunch-a-chickens

    Rising cost of groceries...

    I would love to grow and make everything we need. i don't really worry 'bout the prices since i'm not buyin' though
  11. bunch-a-chickens


    over two months. you can tell she was bred from ees. and its legs are as yellow as my dominiques
  12. bunch-a-chickens


    i didn't think ees had yellow legs. one of mine does. whats up with that?
  13. bunch-a-chickens

    Mystery bird!

    hen, i think
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