Recent content by Carenm

  1. Carenm

    If a chicken layed an egg earlier today can she be eggbound???

    also want to add she was the last into the coop, i had to push her along but she DID fly up to the roost.
  2. Carenm

    If a chicken layed an egg earlier today can she be eggbound???

    It was odd. All 4 were walking around and acting like chickens should, all 4 layed an egg today, all before noon. Tonight around 7 I went out to change water and all were fine then all of a sudden one just kind of stopped moving around and her tail is up and her butt is pulsing. How...
  3. Carenm

    What's up with this ODD egg

    So far we have had all great looking eggs from our chickens ( 20 weeks - just started laying recently). Went out this morning and this was in the nest..... it's brown with white spots.
  4. Carenm

    I have read some do and don't refrigerate

    I understand if you don't wash the egg you can keep it out but if you wash it put it in the fridge, right? Why would you keep them out?? Out of curiosity I never heard of eggs being kept out before. Can you tell I am a 1st timer??
  5. Carenm

    Hen with Egg Hanging Out~

    Was she walking funny?
  6. Carenm

    I know there is no such thing as " normal" but how does this sound??

    We have 4 RSL's. Now 3 out of the 4 are laying which is great, they are about 20-21 weeks or so. They lay every day. Even as new layers. It's been over a week now and the first one who layed has been laying every single day. The second one started laying a few days later and still...
  7. Carenm

    2 out of 4 are laying!

    Yay Chicks! : Congrats! May I ask how old they are? Somewhere between 19-20 weeks
  8. Carenm

    My first eggs YAY Me :)

    Isn't it just the most fun thing collecting those eggs?
  9. Carenm

    My first egg, and it's HUGE!

    wow that's awesome !
  10. Carenm

    2 out of 4 are laying!

    Quote: Yep and the other 2 are showing signs the first 2 did. I bet it will happen in a day or so.
  11. Carenm

    2 out of 4 are laying!

    How awesome!!!!
  12. Carenm

    How do chickens lay eggs at the beginning of their egg laying lives?

    We have 4 RSL's who are between 19-20 weeks. We are getting 1 egg a day and it's been 5 days in a row. Is this one egg a day from the same chicken? Or are there more than 1 chickens laying and they are all adjusting to the whole egg procedure??
  13. Carenm

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    We have 4 RSL's. We had an egg yesterday and 1 today. They are about 19 weeks old
  14. Carenm

    Happy dance! Joining the " First Egg" club

    empty cat litter box. just turned it on its side and threw shavings in
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