Woo HOO !!! I'm a Grandpa,..... (and I'm gonna EAT my Grandkid !!!)


11 Years
Feb 6, 2010
Orange County
YEA !!! I'm a Grandpa TODAY !!!
born/(laid), at 5:15 pm, we welcomed our new arrival to the family.
weighing in at a whopping 1.4 oz., and healthy with a good color, shape, and solid shell....
mom is doing great.
Helga, our Australorp, at 21 weeks old, (to the day), made me a proud Grandpa !!!

I was out cleaning the coop and pen today, and she was acting kind of funny.
She did not do any of the squatting, or anything,..she was just hanging around me a little closer than usual.
Like she had something to tell me. She kept following me around, and seemed to make an extra attempt to be near.
She was squawking a bit more than usual, but nothing really to raise a flag.

While I was raking and sifting the sand in the run, she went into the coop that I had both doors opened, and jumped into one of the nesting boxes.
(I've NEVER seen any of the birds go into the nesting boxes yet)

She did a few turns, scratched at the pine shavings, made a few squawks, would sit for a minute, then stand and make a few more turns.
I called my daughter in, and told her that I thought Helga was going to lay her first egg.
We both sat there for about a half hour watching her, but she just seemed like she was checking things out, and not sure what to do.

After 30 minutes or so, she hopped out of the nesting box, and went back to running around with the rest of the "girls".
I told my daughter that it was probably a false alarm, and we went back to our chores.

A few minutes later, helga was making some ruckus, and I went to check on her and the nesting boxes. Nope, nothing yet, she's just making some noise.
I went back out of the coop, and back to the garage, and heard her go back into the coop squawking some more.
My daughter went to check on her, and came running to me yelling "DAD, DAD, DAD, Come quick, Look what I found !!!"

yep, I was right,... She did it !!!




So now, I'm gonna fire up the frying pan, and eat my Grandkid !!!
Woo-HOO !!!
YAY : Congratulations. We eat our grandeggs all the time, aren't they good. YUM. Fried, Scrambled, Hard Boiled, Deviled, Soft Boiled, Poached. YUM.

But once we got the incubator we added to our diet. Now we wait to eat some of them when they are 17 weeks old. They are so good when you can waite just a bit longer and let those eggs get old. Thats about 14 weeks after they hatch those will fuzz ball things that are so cute and grow up to be...
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Isn't it amazing how perfect they are? That is what my husband and I marvel over all the time. Just perfect! Congratulations, and many happy returns!

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