Recent content by CelticGoose

  1. CelticGoose

    Created a water saver for my duck brooder

    I love this!! Thank you so much for posting!
  2. CelticGoose

    Haus Fraus Hens Hatchalong

    Thanks for all the hints!!! I will be sure to put them to use in future hatches. Cheers!
  3. CelticGoose

    Haus Fraus Hens Hatchalong

    Great posts and congrats on your hatch(s)! I do have a quick question, when you deciphered the gender on the chicks on day one through, wing and feet size, what exactly were you looking for? Thanks so much.
  4. CelticGoose

    My thoughts on Guinea fowl

    6 days feels like a good time to give up. Smart guineas after all!
  5. CelticGoose

    My thoughts on Guinea fowl

    Good luck with your fowl. That is such a rotten deal and I totally could see that happening on my farm.
  6. CelticGoose

    WA State - Button Quail

    Where are you in WA?
  7. CelticGoose

    Twin Chicks Double yolk

    i am excited to see what happens too! Keep us posted!!!
  8. CelticGoose

    Egg Eating Chicken and I am out of ideas

    i think that maybe exactly what happened. my hen Dixie was laying one every day and doing awesome and then just STOPPED! and the more i looked the more i found evidence. finally one day i came home and her beak was covered in yoke. now Dixie lives somewhere they don't care about eggs, just bug...
  9. CelticGoose

    Rooster questions

    I have about a 3 month old roo that I know has no idea he is a rooster yet. My question is, when will he start crowing??
  10. CelticGoose

    I think my new rooster is an egg eater

    I thought about that too. We're on 2 acres so they could lay alot of places, so I'll have to look through the brush. But today I found a partially eaten egg and the nest was all sticky. The roo likes to hang out in the little coop where the nesting boxes are. And he is usually scared of the...
  11. CelticGoose

    I think my new rooster is an egg eater

    Alright. I had a weasel in the coop about a month ago and he killed my little cochin rooster. So, to be ready should it ever happen again I got a young, but large Orpington rooster so he could kick some weasel butt if it came back. Since the roo has joined my 5 girls, I have had NO eggs. Maybe 1...
  12. CelticGoose

    can you tell me what got into my coop?

    so i have spent most of the day thinking on this, i am out of town this weekend so i have to take care of this today. i am going to move the ducks into the coop for the weekend with extra water. and i will be putting chicken wire on the bottom of the door and keeping it held there with cinder...
  13. CelticGoose

    my chickens keep getting eaten!

    Thank you so much!! What a great idea! We are moving and I have alot more space at the new farm were going to, and that would help with the chickens and the ducks. Thanks for the suggestion JackE!
  14. CelticGoose

    can you tell me what got into my coop?

    no foot prints. and no digging.
  15. CelticGoose

    can you tell me what got into my coop?

    So something broke into my duck house and my chicken coop yesterday. i lost 4 hens, 1 duck, and 1 rooster. everything it killed was under 4 months. i want to know what it was. somehow it squeezed through the gap under the door which is 1"-2" tops. it killed 1 duck and battered the other 2 ducks...
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