Recent content by cityhermit

  1. cityhermit

    Superworms ok to feed to chickens?

    I highly recommend raising superworms! My chickens go into a frenzy when they see them. I've never bothered to crush their heads, as the girls appear to know how to handle them and have never had a problem. From what I've read, they are also a bit more nutritious than the mealworms and easier to...
  2. cityhermit

    Mealworm farming

    They are so prolific! I've been raising them for quite a while now. I use the drawer setups, as well as larger sterilite boxes that can slide right under the bed. I've found they do very well on layer feed and so I'm using that exclusively for their bedding, along with carrots for moisture.
  3. cityhermit

    plants my chickens will love

    My chickens love banana leaves and chayote leaves. I have a stand of bananas in my backyard, keep a chayote vine growing on the fence not far from their run, and regularly harvest leaves to feed to them. If your climate is suitable (I live in Florida) both are well worth growing.
  4. cityhermit

    What's your favorite older movie ?

    The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947)
  5. cityhermit

    poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

    Quote: I'm in a larger city but it sounds like my neighborhood -- 50 x 100 lots -- five hens allowed, but only if there's 200 feet between the chickens and the closest neighbors. I guess that makes me an outlaw, too, since our houses are very close. Fortunately, no one can see the chickens...
  6. cityhermit

    Insects Question?

    I feed my girls mealworms, superworms, and black soldier fly larvae (all of which I raise). Since they are confined to a pen, they don't get too many wild insects, and I don't collect them. Living in the city, there's no way to know how much insecticide or other chemicals wild insects have been...
  7. cityhermit

    I am WOMAN..... as I beat my chest show you pictures of my coop!!

    Fantastic job! Oh, what I'd give to be that talented!
  8. cityhermit

    So...did any of you catch flack for having chickens?

    No flack, really. My grown kids are OK with it. I'm sure a few folks think I'm a bit odd... but then, maybe I am.
  9. cityhermit

    What are the Laws in Tampa Fl. for keeping chickens.

    Quote: We can have up to five hens (no roosters) here in the city of Tampa. That 200 feet requirement is the killer. An average city lot in my neighborhood is only 50 x 100 feet, so I've been carefully staying "under the radar" with my four hens, with the cooperation of my close neighbors who...
  10. cityhermit

    Terrorized by roosters! HELP!

    I'm not sure who I'd be the most upset with... the roosters or the hubby. Regardless, the roosters have to go. I once had a Muscovy duck that attacked me every time I entered what he perceived was "his" territory. After he sliced open the palm of my hand one day, I took to carrying a...
  11. cityhermit

    Mealworm farming

    Quote: I keep mine in a large Sterilite container that slips easily under my bed.
  12. cityhermit

    dryed split beans feeding to chickens

    According to this site, dried beans should be cooked before feeding to chickens:
  13. cityhermit

    Thousands of Grubs in Compost ( picture and video )

    Quote: They don't recommend feeding them to chickens only if they are raised in poultry manure or (uncooked) offal (body parts). BSFL are extremely high in calcium and another nutrient that many vegetable feeds are lacking. They may be able to replace medicated feed because their fat prevents...
  14. cityhermit

    Mealworm farming

    Quote: lol... I was curious about that and found this site: Disclaimer: I think I'd have to be on the verge of starvation before I'd actually consider using those recipes! I've been raising mealworms for several months now (using layer feed...
  15. cityhermit

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Well, "the girls" (four barred rocks) will be a year old in early September. Once in a while we'll have a 3-egg day, but I've been getting a total of four eggs on most days ever since they started laying.
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