Recent content by crazi4chix

  1. crazi4chix

    Need advice - dark green diarrhea and slight lethargy

    I have reviewed the many BYC posts about chickens with similar symptoms, but none seem to quite match. We have a 2.5 year Barred Rock who started showing slight lethargy and bright green liquid diarrhea about 8 days ago (not mint green, a dark kelley green - but very green). We isolated...
  2. crazi4chix

    The Ancona breeders thread

    Hello all - I posted long ago, asking about my Ancona's comb becoming pale and shrunken. Turns out this happens during each molt. Egg laying stops, full molt takes several weeks, then all returns to normal. Her comb becomes bright red and floppy again, and her pretty white eggs return.
  3. crazi4chix


    Thank you. I guess if she starts crowing, rather than laying, we will know :) I really think she is a pullet.
  4. crazi4chix


    Yay! Thank you
  5. crazi4chix


    10 weeks.
  6. crazi4chix


    Another picture
  7. crazi4chix


    Can I please jump in here and ask for an opinion as to whether this 10 week old Polish is a pullet or cockerel?[/IMG]
  8. crazi4chix

    RIR cockerel question.

    That certainly looks like a hen to me. What is the verdict?
  9. crazi4chix

    The Ancona breeders thread

    Hello Ancona thread. I have an 8 month th old Ancona who started laying at 5 months that and was consistent until 3 weeks ago, then nothing. She seems healthy and happy. The rest of our varies flock (free range by day, large clean coop at night) are healthy and laying well. Pie weather has...
  10. crazi4chix

    My ancona stopped laying.

    Also - we added a brooder of chicks to the front of the coop 3 weeks ago. Perhaps that stressed her out?
  11. crazi4chix

    My ancona stopped laying.

    We have an 8 month old Ancona who started laying at 5 months and was consistent until about 3 weeks ago, then nothing. She seems healthy and active, eating, drinking, and pooping well, but her large red floppy comb has shrunk significantly, and no eggs. I'm intrigued. We haven't wormed the flock...
  12. crazi4chix

    How to raise chicks in cold temperatures?

    Quick question about young chicks outside in the coop. We have 12 laying hens, a perpetually broody Serama Bantam hen, and a charming little Bantam roo. They have a palatial coop in our yard of several acres. We are in Pacific NW, so fall temps are currently low 70s during the day, mid to high...
  13. crazi4chix

    Feeding/Watering Free Range Flock

    Would appreciate some advice from you experienced free rangers. We are enjoying our first flock of 14 chickens, (2 Light Brahmas, 3 RRs, 3 BRs, 2 Cuckoo Marans, 1 EE, 1 Ancona, a Serama hen and a Serama Roo). They are about 18 weeks, and though we built them an extra large and functional coop...
  14. crazi4chix

    Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

    Hello and welcome to BYC! I am still fairly new to chickens myself, but I have done a great deal of reading and the colors you describe sound more like Orpingtons than Ameraucanas to me. I completely defer to Junebuggena on breed details, as I find his/her posts to be some of the most...
  15. crazi4chix

    Gender guess...

    No sign of dark comb or waddle, but when she stands up in the wind, she looks like this. We know the Serama is a roo.
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