Recent content by dixie&trixie

  1. dixie&trixie

    Rattling inside egg

    I have 3 BCM eggs under my cochin. I candled on day 7 and I saw some shadows, couldn't really see anything else since the shell is so dark. On the way back to the coop to put the eggs back under mama hen I gently shook one egg and it sounded like something was rattling around in there. What...
  2. dixie&trixie

    Whizbang pluckers

    Does anyone one have the plans they would like to share. I would greatly appreciate it!!!
  3. dixie&trixie

    Poultry defeatherers. Do they work well?

    Id pay good money to not have to pluck by hand. Im getting 10 meat birds in a few weeks and I dread the plucking in my future.
  4. dixie&trixie

    What's wrong with this chicks bottom?

    What? No DE is being used. This chick belongs to a friend of mine, just trying to help her out.
  5. dixie&trixie


    I had to deal with a lice infestation last year and I used diotemaceous earth or DE. I sprinkled it on their bottoms and retreated 7 days later. I also cleaned the coop out and sprinkled the DE all over the coop. They lost some feathers but not anything like a molt. The feathers grew back...
  6. dixie&trixie

    Dog attack, injuries, one of the birds has green marks on her skin!

    Looks like bruising under the skin. Ive had injured birds that had those marks. It looks nasty but should subside within a few days. Just think about how people bruise, it starts off purple then turns greenish as it heals.
  7. dixie&trixie

    What's wrong with this chicks bottom?

    This a chick not an egg laying hen so any egg laying issues aren't a possibility. The picture is of its back end below the cloaca.
  8. dixie&trixie

    What's wrong with this chicks bottom?

    Im posting this for a friend of mine. She has a little frizzle chick with a swollen bottom. Some have said it was ascites others said it was an ingrown feather issue. Has any one here had a chick with this? If so, how did you treat?
  9. dixie&trixie

    My Journey in Pig Raising: Chapter 1- fence building****PIC HEAVY****

    Ive heard that before but Ive also heard that once shocked a few times the pigs dont mess around with the fence so I think we'll try the electric fence and if doesnt work we'll have to secure it more. Thanks for the advice!
  10. dixie&trixie

    My Journey in Pig Raising: Chapter 1- fence building****PIC HEAVY****

    The structure will be three sided and constructed out of the leftover pallets. We got some free metal roofing for the roof.
  11. dixie&trixie

    My Journey in Pig Raising: Chapter 1- fence building****PIC HEAVY****

    Im actually excited to see what they make of this space
  12. dixie&trixie

    My Journey in Pig Raising: Chapter 1- fence building****PIC HEAVY****

    We are getting two. Boy and girl. Yorkshire/Tamworth crosses.
  13. dixie&trixie

    Asparagus Galore

    Ok got it. I'll go out tomorrow and weed the bed. Maybe I'll lay down some newspaper and straw to decompose by spring.
  14. dixie&trixie

    My Journey in Pig Raising: Chapter 1- fence building****PIC HEAVY****

    My husband is great and has always been so supportive of me and all my animal ideas no matter how outrageous they are. I recently decided that I wanted to raise my own pigs and he was, of course, on board. I did tons of research on fencing and how to do it as cheap and effective as possible...
  15. dixie&trixie

    Asparagus Galore

    Are you supposed to dig them up? I planted some year old roots in the ground last year. I had a few shoots come up but I was told not to use them the first year. So I just left them, now my bed had grown over a bit. How do I prep the bed for spring? Do I need to dig up my roots and replant?
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