Recent content by Dmuno

  1. D

    Hen or Roo?

    I think we’re in the clear. It fully hatched in my hand with no issues, quite vigorously too from the stimulation.
  2. D

    Hen or Roo?

    The baby was nearly fully zipped so I gave it some stimulation. I did not hurt it, I did the same thing mother hens do (tapping on the egg). Also obviously it’s too early to tell, especially as it wasn’t fully out of the shell, it’s a joke.
  3. D

    Hen or Roo?

    This little nugget just hatched in my hands, so you know the drill: identify it’s pronouns ;)
  4. D

    What is going on?

    Unfortunately I’m not in the US but thank you.
  5. D

    What is going on?

    Unfortunately she passed away before we made it to the vet appointment. My best guess is gape worm or a respiratory disease.
  6. D

    What is going on?

    My chicken is breathing through their mouth and it sounds like a respiratory issue. I currently have her separated with fresh food and water outside on my balcony. There is a scab looking bump on her crest with a green dot (maybe infected) so I’m not sure if this is the cause. I didn’t catch it...
  7. D

    What does this look like?

    Update: I brought her to the vet this morning and they gave her a bug prevention injection just in case and cream to rub on the wound. She will be hanging out on my balcony in the chicken hospital for two weeks.
  8. D

    What does this look like?

    I’ll gather her up early morning and take to vet. I don’t want to stress her out by keeping her in my bedroom overnight. It looks to be dried so maybe it’s ok until morning.
  9. D

    What does this look like?

    I’m not really sure. It looks like an injury that’s scabbed over but it’s night time here so I’m scared to touch it as I don’t have access to supplies or a vet until morning.
  10. D

    What does this look like?

    I found her like this when I was collecting eggs.
  11. D

    Something going on here?

    Yeah that’s my next step actually but it will have to wait until payday. The netting I got was free from a neighbor netmaking factory. I used chicken wire at the bottom and on the door and netting on the upper half and roof. I will get the hardware cloth when I get paid in 2 days thank you.
  12. D

    Something going on here?

    It happened during the day when I was at work, and weasels are nocturnal, right? Thanks for letting me know his legs are okay!
  13. D

    Something going on here?

    Unfortunately not possible since I live in Japan and there are no raccoons here. We have weasels, snakes, foxes, and Tanuki. The only thing that could have gotten in through the roof netting is the cat.
  14. D

    Something going on here?

    I saw a black and gray tiger cat scramble off the top of my coop roof and it constantly kept coming around until I secured the roof netting. I also found gray hairs around a tiny opening I missed that it looked like it tried and failed to shove itself through (which I’ve now since also closed)...
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