Recent content by Gracie chick

  1. Gracie chick

    Muddy run! Help please!

    I was just wandering what to do about my muddy run. I also live in Southern Oregon and all the input was very helpful.
  2. Gracie chick

    Chicks roosting?

    Within 2 weeks they will all be roosting, so dont worry. I love watching mine find their spot on the roost bar.
  3. Gracie chick

    Chicks roosting?

    Mine chickens are about 10 weeks old and just started to roost every night about 2 weeks ago. I was worried too but they figured it out. How old are your chicks?
  4. Gracie chick

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Yes, I do. I have already raised the lower roost and added another!
  5. Gracie chick


    Thank you Teila! It's funny how the simplest things make us happy
  6. Gracie chick

    Silver Laced Wyandotte x Blue Andalusian Mix

    They are handsome! I wish I had a rooster but I have all girls.
  7. Gracie chick

    Names for my 6 peeps

    I just named one of my RIR Abagail! My others are Gracie, Trouble, Shadow, Mr. Cogburn with 3 more to name! I take my time so I can give their personality the best fit!
  8. Gracie chick


    I went out to talk to my chickens tonight and to make sure they were ok with it being their second night without the warming light. They were all happily chirping with all 8 of them roosting
  9. Gracie chick

    Is it ok for them to eat......?

    Thanks. I just thought it may not be good for them.
  10. Gracie chick

    Is it ok for them to eat......?

    I have 8 - 9 week old chickens and sometimes they will eat the pine shavings of their bedding. Is this ok or are they eating the pine shavings because they need something in their diet?
  11. Gracie chick

    Barred Rock thread!!

    Thank you :)
  12. Gracie chick

    Barred Rock thread!!

    This is Gracie my sweetie!
  13. Gracie chick

    Help please is this EE a rooster?

    I have one similar in color to cocoa and King Tut is gorgeous with a great name!
  14. Gracie chick

    Help please is this EE a rooster?

    This is super helpful!!! I defiantly have a coop full of girls. I will have lots of eggs to share
  15. Gracie chick


    Thank you and hello!
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