Recent content by herfrds

  1. herfrds

    ISO Welsh Harlequin drake

    Had a drake with my 2 hens this summer and something came in and got him. Looking for a drake in Montana.
  2. herfrds

    Raccoons are EVIL.

    I got 4 coons this summer. Caught one in my Big Giant live trap. Then started finding the trap tripped and the bait gone. Set up my game camera and found out the that the coon was able to get out. Got the duke hand traps. Set up 4 of them baited with bread, peanut butter and honey. Got 3 more...
  3. herfrds


    That is what happened with my live trap. It was a Big Giant trap. Watched that coon I caught get out. So I have always wondered if it had been trapped before and was either relocated or figured out how to get out.
  4. herfrds


    Well roosterhavoc you were right. I lost one trap, but 2 racoons were in the other 2 traps! Watched my game camera video and no more coons; for now.
  5. herfrds


    Got my coon trap set up and got one! Had my game camera up and it looked like 3 or 4 were around. Baited it with a piece of bread with peanut butter on it. Going to put a little honey on it tonight and see if I get another one. Used some 2 foot tent stakes to hold it down. That worked good. Had...
  6. herfrds

    Just Tired

    Always great to hear about another EMT! Praying for any moisture out here right now. The biggest fire is east of us. Last heard 256,000 acres and 12 homes have burned. I know everyone is gratefully for all the support that has started pouring into that area.
  7. herfrds


    I got to same traps. My biggest concern is my barn cats. I would really hate to catch one of them. I don't like to use poisons unless it is for mice in buildings. Tempted to get the glue traps and set them up and watch the fun! On a good note my new chicken house has arrived and my pullets have...
  8. herfrds

    Just Tired

    Coop is here! Fire truck is fixed. Worst weather is suppose to happen tomorrow. teasing my dispatcher friend that she is a black cloud because as soon as she started this shift the fires have been nonstop.
  9. herfrds


    Can see where they are clawing on the little house were my new pullets are at for the moment. New chicken house should be here today. Moved the new trap to a different area.
  10. herfrds


    I did get a stronger trap. They won't go in. Changed my bait too and they ignore it.
  11. herfrds

    Just Tired

    It has been a crazy week. I had ordered a new chicken house for my growing group of pullets. Was suppose to be delivered on Monday. Delivery guy called and said he would be here after 5pm. Well around 4pm my pager goes off for a fire north of me. So I take off. DD is here but is taking care of...
  12. herfrds


    Had something getting into my chicken house. Out of 8 layers I have 2 left. Re-enforced the door. New latches on it. Set up a game camera and live trap. Had a group of around 6 coons going around my chicken house trying to get in. Caught 2 with the live trap. Then started to find the trap...
  13. herfrds

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Boy was that a race the other day! weatherman kept predicting this huge storm to come in and dump tons of rain on us. So DD and I went out and got the corn and green beans replanted. Plus got the rhubarb, daylilies, strawberries and herbs planted. The rain was pretty much a bust but at least the...
  14. herfrds

    How do you do it? Please advise.

    One way I was taught to get the built up grease off cabinets was to take a cloth, wrap it around your finger, dip it in warm water then baking soda and start scrubbing. I use now Bona cabinet cleaner and floor cleaners. Also Simple Green works great. Only carpet we have is in the bedrooms. When...
  15. herfrds

    Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

    I have been floored! Found out our home schooling group decided to form a co-op. I have nothing against it but I guess it would have been nice to have been told they did it right away instead of finding out a few months later. So there are 3 families including us who had no clue, but we decided...
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