Recent content by Jenny1

  1. Jenny1

    Im done.... I think the chickens are going... :(

    I think they are going. The lady on craigslist sounded nice. They will be happy. I will miss yall. And we can try again in a few years.
  2. Jenny1

    Im done.... I think the chickens are going... :(

    A big portion of my problem isn't chickens- its kids. My 3 and 1 year olds love to let the chickens out. Then the chickens poo all over my patio and grass and all that. They also enjoy taking the food out of the tub I store it in and throw it everywhere, then douse it with the hose. If you think...
  3. Jenny1

    Im done.... I think the chickens are going... :(

    So sad... so much poop. So many flies. I give up.
  4. Jenny1

    Extreme couponing question

    I haven't figured it out. Often when I find a coupon it turns out the store brand is cheaper anyway.... not always, but often.
  5. Jenny1

    The NEW four letter word at our house. It starts with L. Any guesses?

    Thanks... just getting tired is all...and can I just say that having your kids dentist find them while filling cavities=embarrassing. I don't know how they ever even saw them though. I found a total of 5 live bugs.
  6. Jenny1

    You won't believe what I found when cleaning our new for us car. Advice on what to do.

    I would say talk to the guy. Lets assume his kid drove the car and left it there. I would want to know. I really would. Just email him and tell him that you found it and wondered if he was aware of it. That way he can talk to his kid if he needs to.
  7. Jenny1

    The NEW four letter word at our house. It starts with L. Any guesses?

    If you guessed LICE you are correct. Just finished picking through 4 kids heads, plus mine. Also, my washing machine has been going constantly for hours.... and I am working on the floors. Next up: sofas and other chairs... Grr. I can think of other four letter words that would describe this...
  8. Jenny1

    Egg Taste Challenge - Blind Taste Test

    AH ha! I am not the only one who cant taste that much of a difference!
  9. Jenny1

    are chickens pets?

    My kids named them after Sesame street characters. They hold the chickens and read to them every night (good fluency practice). The baby LOVES to hold her chicken. And the chickens put up with all of it, even a little feather pulling! Definitely pets. But, I really wish they would start laying...
  10. Jenny1

    Egg Taste Challenge - Blind Taste Test

    We only have one laying hen (the other two arent laying yet) she is a white leghorn. I honestly cannot tell the difference between her eggs and the storebought ones, except that hers are usually found in the nesting box. Once it is in the fridge... indistinguishable. She has access to pellets...
  11. Jenny1

    About to free range my flock... very nervous. Please give me your ideas.

    I still say you should try it, if it is only for a few minutes a day while you are watching them. They are so fun to watch, and they really love getting out. I think it is pretty safe as long as you are there.
  12. Jenny1

    How do you store your poultry feed?

    My problem isnt mice or rats. Its two little monkeys who open the bin and throw it all over the kitchen floor.... they are adorable little troublemakers! Or, they go outside and put the food on the grass. It either grows into weeds (scratch) or it gets to be soggy nasty fly attractant. Eww. A...
  13. Jenny1

    Are my chickens broken?

    Maybe its good she doesnt lay if they are going to break all over the coop floor. What a mess.....
  14. Jenny1

    How NOT to give a chicken a bath.

    Thats okay, it turned out fine, and honestly, it was funny. Everyone took a shower, the kitchen got sprayed with 409 and Popcorn's windpipe DIDNT get crushed when Charlotte grabbed her (I was worried). Today they seem fine, but they did tell me how they felt about me when I didnt have leftovers...
  15. Jenny1

    About to free range my flock... very nervous. Please give me your ideas.

    What about trying with just a couple chickens at a time, for just a few minutes at a time while you are there. Work with longer and longer amounts of time till you feel comfortable. Start shortly before dusk.
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