Recent content by jgaepi

  1. jgaepi

    35 degree evenings, time to go outside

    I just want to double check with everyone, my chicks are 7.5 weeks old, and are big footballs now, can I put them outside with 55 degree days and 35 degree nights? No heat lamp inside the hen house. The are stinking up my garage, dust everywhere, wife cranky, you know where I am going with...
  2. jgaepi

    Chicks Don't Like Us, Wife Annoyed

    We received our baby chicks a week ago. The first few days they were really docile and allowed us to hold them and tickle their necks. They started not liking it about 2 days ago. Now they freak out when we try to pick them up. Flapping around and screeching. They flail like crazy when we hold...
  3. jgaepi

    Food Bowl Full of Pine Shavings

    So I propped up the food and water. Seems to help a little. Anyway to stop them from digging? One is so quick and powerful at it that it launches shavings out the top of the brooder.
  4. jgaepi

    Food Bowl Full of Pine Shavings

    My four-day old chicks seem to love to fill their food dish (the steel type with 8 small holes) with their pine shavings. I give them fresh food every morning and within an hour or so they have filled their holes up with pine shavings. I don't think they are starving so I assume they are pecking...
  5. jgaepi

    Constant Poop Butt

    I don't use a thermometer but I have the light at the recommended 24in height, and that they are active, moving into the light to nap then out, back and forth, back and forth. They seem pretty happy.
  6. jgaepi

    Constant Poop Butt

    I've had them for only 24 hours. Their brooder is 3ft by 18in. 14in high. Lots of pine shavings. The heat lamp is about 22inches off the floor of the brooder. They love the height, they come and go. Lots of moving around. I give them regular tap water.
  7. jgaepi

    Constant Poop Butt

    One of my baby chicks has gotten clumped poop on its butt three times in 24 hours. I keep cleaning it with a warm, damp cloth and then it gets clumped up again. The last time a little butt fur came off. Otherwise the bird is very active and seems happy. It is hard to track this one particular...
  8. jgaepi

    Supplemental Food

    What is the timeline for adding in supplemental food and treats for chicks. I just received mine and I assume they are between 2-3 days old. They are actively stomping around on the medicated sure start formula and seem interested. When should I add in a little chick grit. When can I start to...
  9. jgaepi

    Receiving Baby Chicks

    All 12 chicks arrived in one piece. I got the call from the P.O. at 1230. They are bouncing around the brooder, stepping in their water and food.
  10. jgaepi

    Receiving Baby Chicks

    I am anticipating the arrival of my baby chicks tomorrow from Healthy Chicks and More. Typically when they arrive in town, what does the Post Office do with them? Do they call me for a pick up? Do they attempt delivery? What happens if it is getting late in the day and I don't want the birds to...
  11. jgaepi

    Receiving Baby Chicks

    I am anticipating the arrival of my baby chicks tomorrow from Healthy Chicks and More. Typically when they arrive in town, what does the Post Office do with them? Do they call me for a pick up? Do they attempt delivery? What happens if it is getting late in the day and I don't want the birds to...
  12. jgaepi

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Here is ours. I am almost done with the run.
  13. jgaepi

    Bird Netting - Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

    This netting is black nylon. Not plastic. Plastic would probably be a bit sturdier. For those with coops in the middle of a field, I live in an urban area with a wood fence as one long wall of my run. Raccoons could prob run along my fence and then walk out onto the netting.
  14. jgaepi

    Bird Netting - Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

    no issues with raccoons or other predators ripping through it?
  15. jgaepi

    Making an "Architectural Statement" with an Urban Chicken Coop

    That is beautiful though. My wife would love that in our backyard. edited to remove censor bypassing
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