Recent content by kmartinez

  1. kmartinez

    Hatching Turkey eggs

    I use a Brinsea incubator with turner. I keep a humidity gauge inside and basically fill with water and do for them what I do for chickens but keep my humidity a little bit higher because turkey eggs are tougher. Honestly the Brinsea does all the work as long as it has water and my temp is...
  2. kmartinez

    Turkey feed Question

    I did alot more research and my turkeys are eating chick crumbles, and I grind floating catfish food to combine. It becomes 28% protien. Mine did very nicely on it. My 2nd turkey baby crew is on it now, and they are also going great on it.
  3. kmartinez

    Ideas on keeping the dogs from chasing the chicks?

    I have 4 dogs two of those dogs are mine one is a real livestock guardian my st bernard is just a big loveable senior dog that just not care about my chickens or turkeys..My sons dogs are lab mixes...and I have another livestock out there like sheep, they would chase my sheep so I used a shock...
  4. kmartinez

    Predator issue

    This morning I went out doing my daily morning shores to find all of my turkeys escape their pen but were still contained in my huge fence. I went to their pen.. seems something entered their pen and caught one there are feathers from one side of the pen to the other. when it caught it, it tore...
  5. kmartinez

    Roosters and fertilized egg question!

    I have 1 roo to 16 hens, and he does his duty well. For egg eating ollect your eggs daily and refrigerate. Once u eat eggs from ur chickens u will realize store bought eggs are nasty. My eggs look better than store bought eggs. A blood speck in the egg does not determine a fertile egg You...
  6. kmartinez

    Chickens stopped laying!!! Help!

    I go with the heat. It's hot here to. My girls started laying couple weeks back. So they still irregular I am sure. But I was getting 5 eggs or 4 per day then went download. To two or three. I put frozen water bottles in their waterer and got a mister from home depot. I am back up to 5 per day...
  7. kmartinez

     Commercial layer recipe

    I looked for recipes, the ingredients can get costly. It benefits only if u have large flocks. However, it's not cost effective. Locally we have an organic farm and mill that mix broiler and layer feed, as well as sheep feed. It is cheaper for me to purchase from them I pay 22 bux for 50lb...
  8. kmartinez

    Predator protection advice please!!

    I saw those on chicken magazine. I was wondering if they work good to see a comment about them.
  9. kmartinez

    Both my ducks have been panting unless in the pool.

    frozen water bottles do wonders in waters. I do this for my ducks and chickens both have a five gallon waterer that i put 2 frozen water bottles in every morning. Pekin ducks grow very fast. I have one with my Kakis and he pants alot. I added a mister to my chicken run and since there pen is in...
  10. kmartinez

    I think I have a turkey instead of a chicken

    I agree with Red, I hatched some turkeys from blue slate eggs couple weeks back and he looks identical to a turkey I hatched from a blue slate egg.
  11. kmartinez

    Thinking of calling it quits.

    My eggs this round are horrible. I had 20 eggs I am down to 11...and one is cracked but has great movement....I am going to go ahead and see if it is strong enough to live last one in a cracked egg I had to cull..I am hoping for 10 going to lockdown but honestly I not got my hopes to high on...
  12. kmartinez

    Light in brooder and coop

    I agree, if they are fully feathered no heat lamp needed. heat lamps in coop can be dangerous fire hazard and such; additionally, they need to be able to handle outside weather without heat as they get older. If one has a heated coop and electric was to go out they will not fare well at all in...
  13. kmartinez

    Keeping vernal pool heathy for ducks

    I use a solar powered pump in my ducks kiddie pool to keep that water moving..Its a pretty big kiddie pool and habor freight had one for under 20 bux..the one i have says it is for a pond, they might have bigger ones for larger ponds I am unsure how large a pond this thing is for..
  14. kmartinez

    Feed all day

    I believe that varies on the type of turkey you have or would like to have. From my reading and understanding heritage breeds its not a big deal, they forage alot and do not get huge quickly. Again according to my readings I have poults right now never owned a full size turkey b4. However...
  15. kmartinez

    Are they roos?

    The 1st one might be, hard to tell. His feathering looks like my roo. However, check those feet. Light Brahma roos have thick large feet. That is how I knew which one my roo was. I could easily pick him out of my 4 other brahma hens. Those birds have huge feet anyway but the roos are thick...
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