Recent content by lirette

  1. lirette

    what causes chicks to be born sickly?

    Did want to mention. The friend who gave me the eggs did mention he wasn't sure they would hatch due to his rooster was older and had been not feeling well and his new rooster might not have been old enough at the time.
  2. lirette

    what causes chicks to be born sickly?

    Thank you for your responses. I got them from a friend. I did let them rest before setting them and all breeds are in the same incubator. But on a good note.... I gave electrolytes through out the 2 day period and now the chick is up and acting like normal. But I will let the breeder know of the...
  3. lirette

    what causes chicks to be born sickly?

    I had a friend give me some new breeds of chicks to hatch. 17 hatched all healthy but the salmon favereoll. out of 4, 1 fine, 1 spay leg, 2 lifeless, eyes closed seem to gasp for air (sorta). Lost of of them yesterday but the other one is still alive. I have been giving electrolytes with...
  4. lirette

    growing chicken feed

    I have been trying to do my homework on growing my own chicken feed. I have read post here on BYC as well as the web. I don't know if I am over thinking it or just not getting it. I have about 50 chickens or more so my feed bill for them is pretty expensive especially cuz I also raise Nubians...
  5. lirette

    Russian Orloff Breeders??

    I have 4 chicks that have hatched so far from my Russians! Very excited! These are wonderful birds and I'm glad I have added then to my flock.
  6. lirette

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    mchlldickson I love your photography! Shows you do love your chicks! I love the one laying on its back! Too Cute!!
  7. lirette

    Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

    The top picture is my Black Croad Langshans, About 3 week age difference. Bottom Cuckoo Marans. Hoping for Cream Legbars, Russian Orloffs, and Black Copper Marans to hatch next month. Maybe more pictures soon!!!! fingers crossed.
  8. lirette

    Incubating ?

    I had 2 hatch this morning out of 5 with one still chirping in the shell. I had heard the same thing and only tried it because I still had an incubator out. I was surprised and excited to find chicks today, especially since these are my fist pure bred cuckoo marans! Good luck to you. never hurts...
  9. lirette

    Show off your roosters

    Ok I still new with the lingo... What is caponing please?
  10. lirette

    Russian Orloff Breeders??

    I'm in Oklahoma and am raising Russian Orloffs. My pullets havent started to lay yet, but I am excited about the future of my flock. I have 4 pullets and 1 roosster. Looking forward to putting eggs in the incubator this spring.
  11. lirette

    Show off your roosters

    Not sure of the Orloff, he came with some Orloff chicks I bought. The Cuckoo is approximately 6-7 months. I'm trying real hard not to want too many more breeds. Everyone is showing so many nice boys!
  12. lirette

    Show off your roosters

    Here is 2 of mine. Russian Orloff and my Cuckoo Maran. I also have a White Leghorn just no picture at this time.
  13. lirette

    Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

    We use kitty litter containers. Looks kinda funny but works like a charm. We cut the bottom out and left a small lip and hung them on the out side of the pen. Now we can gather eggs without going inside the pen every time
  14. lirette

    I'm an Okie chicken lover too!

    I have to apologize dustydave I didn't mean to use the word advise. I woke up this morning and realized I should of said recommend. Didn't mean to sound rude. Sorry about that
  15. lirette

    I'm an Okie chicken lover too!

    I considered not doing it also until I helped my cousin do her flock. It was only $5 and VERY easy. The tester was extremely nice. It makes a difference when it comes to selling your birds I'm finding out. I bet it didn't take us 30-45 minutes to do 30+ birds and that was in the rain. I advise...
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