Recent content by ma66ie

  1. ma66ie

    Broody Cat

    Thought I would share something really cute. I went out to collect eggs and found my cat Valentine sleeping in the nest on two eggs... I guess I've found my broody chicken...or cat. Too bad I didn't have my camera with me.
  2. ma66ie

    What animal dropped this?

    This is obviously what happened: When the UFO picked up the cow with the laser beam to perform genetic testing that will ultimately lead to human-alien hybrids the cow got scared and pooped on its way up into the ship and the aliens left that dollar as payment. Seen it a hundred times...
  3. ma66ie

    Confessions: Animal Hoarding, Animal Planet, Jan 14th, about chickens!

    That's so cool! I'm setting the dvr to record the show! Thanks for the heads up. I could wax eternal about this subject. I'm torn by what I see on the television...I'm fascinated by people who can live in such squalor , not be able to cook food, take a shower or bathe, brush their teeth or...
  4. ma66ie

    AE's "HOARDERS" CHICKENS on tonight's epsiode!

    Hello everyone! The following is a response from Matt Paxton the 'extreme cleaner' on last night's A&E Hoarders show. That episode disturbed me so much that I had a difficult time sleeping... as a matter of fact, I scrubbed my kitchen before trying to go to bed.... I work in the medical field...
  5. ma66ie

    AE's "HOARDERS" CHICKENS on tonight's epsiode!

    I'm like that too.... I watch that show and have to go scrub something. Gives me the creeps all the filth but I watch anyway because I'm fascinated by eccentric (crazy) people. Could watch them for hours.
  6. ma66ie

    Hoarders tonite?

    It was UNBELIEVABLE!!! I can't believe anyone could live in such filth let alone abuse, neglect, and torture defenseless animals like that... horrible woman and the couple with the rabbits!! MY GAWD!
  7. ma66ie

    Eacher harts out, ladies!

    My husband did that once ( lost ten lbs)...and left it in the toilet for me to find in the morning...I thought I was going to have to take him to the hospital... he just couldn't stop laughing. You men!
  8. ma66ie

    How attached to your spouse are you?

    Extremely attached... we do everything together.
  9. ma66ie

    Sad news, it's gonna be a rough year

    So sorry to hear that, Tala. I'm praying for your momma, your sisters and you. May God show you some comfort.
  10. ma66ie

    Chicken Defibrillator!

    That is the best story I have ever heard! Instead of 'Untold stories of the ER' it should be 'Amazing stories of the Chicken Farmer'.
  11. ma66ie

    They're Bigger, Badder, and Better. The best protein for chickens!

    I just got a huge case of the heebie jeebies... I have goosebumps crawling all over my body. I can handle almost any bug except flies and roaches. *gag*
  12. ma66ie

    Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

    One of my dad's favorite saying when someone was talking too much "he's/she's as windy as a bag of b*ttholes"
  13. ma66ie

    Bless Their Heart... And Other Southern Sayings

    to put something in a bag..."put it in a poke" *neater than socks on a chicken *How you feelin? "Fair to Middlin'" My first MIL used to say " You couldn't pour pee out of a boot with the directions on the heel" and "Don't just stand there with your teeth in your mouth"
  14. ma66ie

    Forceful census takers? Anyone else being bagered?

    By the way, I think that if you have given the answers you feel comfortable with ( or not) and/or filled out the survey IT IS harassment for them to come and bother you at home. The problems with the mail, submitting your survey answers etc. is their problem not mine I shouldn't have to put up...
  15. ma66ie

    Forceful census takers? Anyone else being bagered?

    Quote: No way PineappleMama! I'm with you 100%! In fact , I think I love you!
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