Recent content by Mammahen71

  1. M

    Turkeys fighting

    I I know this post is 4 years old, but I found a dead Jake in the run today when I got home. We got 12 poults in May, and 10 seem to me males. Are we going to have an issue keeping them all alive until November? Please advise! Thank you.
  2. M

    Duck Eggs Prices

    Chicken eggs = 13 people, Duck eggs = 4 people consistently. But I have 8 dozen in the fridge right now, and I am getting 7-9 a day. I need some Asian or paleo duck egg customers!
  3. M

    Duck Eggs Prices

    He, He... I made it up. Nobody reeeeeaaalllllllly says that, but if you have ever tasted the difference between chicken and duck eggs, you KNOW its the truth! I primarily use duck eggs, since my chicken eggs sell so well. That said, I still have 7 dozen duck eggs in the fridge.
  4. M

    Duck Eggs Prices

    You need to do a little education, and I also will give a 1/2 dz away to a perspective buyer... someone who buys chicken eggs a lot or a baker, etc. I then state: "You know what they say... once you go duck, you never go back to cluck!"
  5. M

    Duck Eggs Prices

    I charge $4 a half dozen, or $7 a dozen. Someone was trying to talk me down to $5 a dozen, so I called the local health food store... they charge $6.50 a HALF DOZEN! I'm sure mine are fresher, and treated better. I think I am good at where I'm at! Quacktastick, even!!!
  6. M

    Understanding Chicken Math

    Famous last words... That was me, 15 chickens and 9 ducks ago!
  7. M

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    Hold tight, dear... It's gonna be a LONG RIDE! LOL.
  8. M

    Keeping chickens cool in the summer?

    I made mine a frozen chicken-cicle... Take scrap veggies and fruits, put in a glad ware, cover with water & freeze. They will peck to get the goodies and cool themselves down at the same time.
  9. M

    What is the shelf life of our fresh eggs?

    @CMOM: I leave mine out for no longer than 2 weeks. I have seen posts either here on BYC or other forums that have said 30 days. I experimented and kept some in the fridge for 30 days after sitting out for 2 weeks previous. I ate them, they were all good @ 45 days old. They don't usually last...
  10. M

    Understanding Chicken Math

    So we got 12 chicks last year, and thanks to "my pet chicken" they were all girls... 3 Easter Eggers, 3 barred Plymouth rocks, 3 RIR, and 3 silver cuckoo Marans. We ordered 6 more for June delivery... 2 white leghorns, 2 olive Eggers, and 2 welsummers. -1 EE who died in late may due to being...
  11. M

    Understanding Chicken Math

    I'm not GREAT at math, but by my counting, that comes to 33 hens, 2 roo's and 4 ducks.... So the 2 roo's cancel out 2 hens, and the 4 ducks cancel out 4 hens... therefor I figure you have 27 chickens. UNLESS you have kids, that consider them PETS, and then they are not chickens, they are...
  12. M

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    Wow... Obviously people in Ireland know the value of good for you food! I'm packing my feathered friends and hopping on a boat now!
  13. M

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I have tried explaining this "fact of life" to folks before... Now, with all the same-sex relationship acceptance, I just tell them that all my chickens are lesbians. :P
  14. M

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I get $3/dz for mine, and I sell about 3-4 dz every 2 weeks to a chiropractic office. Even though I only charge $3/dz, she usually makes me take more money than I ask. She says "they are worth more than you charge." Try asking a gym or chiropractic office, people who are more health...
  15. M

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    I have this same... Errr, problem?!? I have Easter Eggers. I know they are a mixed breed, not purebred like Ameracauna. But that is okay with me. People who see the eggs and have seen a few of Martha Stewarts articles on her Ameracauna, think they know everything about chickens all of a...
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