Recent content by Mic's Chicks

  1. Mic's Chicks


    Several years back when I first moved to my farm I had 4 or 5 full grown black swedish ducks killed. They were in a topless pen and would get attacked in the evening before I locked them into their coop at night. I at first thought it was coyotes getting them. I would find body parts outside...
  2. Mic's Chicks

    To ship or not to ship chicks? GreenFire Farms

    I got 3 orders of chicks from GreenFire Farms in August 2022.........all arrived alive and well! I am in Texas and the temps were over 100. I also have 4 more orders of chicks scheduled for next week....Sept 12th, 2022 from Greenfire. I'm not worried. If anything were to happen to them it...
  3. Mic's Chicks

    Looking for Bielefelder chicks, or possibly hatching eggs!

    There is a guy who sells eggs on Ebay.....I had really good hatch rates with his last year. I think his name is skywalker. He usually has several ads up. Cackle hatchery also sells chicks. $3.40 but only available for May 3rd and 5th hatch ........then none until August
  4. Mic's Chicks

    Shamo and Asil breeders in texas

    Where in TX are you? I'm looking for the same. I'm near Ft Worth.
  5. Mic's Chicks

    Baby Indio Gigantes

    I just ordered some from Greenfire a few minutes ago. I'm glad you posted this and your pictures because now I know to expect them to look like regular chicks starting out. LOL!
  6. Mic's Chicks

    Looking For Indio Gigante (Indian Giant Chickens. (MI, preferably)

    I just ordered some of these chicks from Greenfire. Depending how they grow I may have a few to let go in a couple of months................if nothing else I'll hopefully have eggs next fall or winter. I'm in Ft Worth TX. I'll be posting about them on my Facebook page sometime soon. I...
  7. Mic's Chicks

    Raising pigs with chickens

    I have two potbellies that run around all day with about 200 chickens....a turkey and 6 geese... the only problem I have is that the pigs eat all the chicken feed and scratch..........
  8. Mic's Chicks

    Dewlap Toulouse geese

    I am in Texas and have 4 Dewlap Toulouse. Mine turned a year old this past spring. They are 2 pair that I got from Holderread Waterfowl as hatchlings spring 2013. Both my females laid several eggs this year however I do NOT think any where fertile. I did attempt to incubate some and also put...
  9. Mic's Chicks

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    Most of my birds are closed up in a coop at night and are safe. But some are in pens....chain link with netting over the tops.....the pens are located inside a corral that has a 5 ft fence. First hit he went over the 5 ft corral fence and then over the 6 ft chain link and ripped thru the netting...
  10. Mic's Chicks

    Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

    I lost several chickens the past few weeks so I set out a camera and got pics of this guy. He has not been here for 3 or 4 nights now.........or at least I have not gotten any pics of him........... and have not lost more. I am sure he will be back............
  11. Mic's Chicks


    I am just outside of Burleson to the south down off 917 and 803. I haven't set any eggs yet this year. Most would end up being a mix. But I do have a pen of White Faced Black Spanish that will be pure bred. I plan to set some of their eggs soon.
  12. Mic's Chicks


  13. Mic's Chicks

    The Great Chicken Massacre

    . I am grateful for your replies and thoughts. I bought this place last May and finally moved into it in August. It is fenced all around but it is either cable and posts in the front and barbed wire around the back pasture. So it really does not keep dogs out. I have a large backyard fenced to...
  14. Mic's Chicks

    The Great Chicken Massacre

    Arriving home from work Thursday, my front yard was unusually calm as I got out of the truck to open my front gate. Where were my 30 or so free range chickens? On a normal day they would all come running towards me upon my arrival home. Like a flock of insane shoppers the day after...
  15. Mic's Chicks

    What would do this?

    What time of day did it happen? I have lost 3 grown Swedish Ducks and several chickens to a Great Horned Owl..... A few times it was very early in the evening...not even totally dark. With the ducks he first took the head and neck.... The second time it happened same thing....head and neck...
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