Recent content by MrChickMagnet

  1. MrChickMagnet

    Very Sick 10 week old chicks. Help please...

    Help please! I have 20 chicks living outside in a good sized coop. I have had 2 die in last 5 days. They seem to get very swollen and they sit in one spot and don't eat or drink for a day before they die. Now I have another that appears to be getting sick. They are Wyandottes. Also they eye lids...
  2. MrChickMagnet

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I'll keep y'all posted. Looks like I'll have splash LRW!
  3. MrChickMagnet

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    yes, I ordered 5 speckled Sussex pullets with the Wyandottes. Even the few chicks thats somewhat darker than all the other ones? You still think they will all be splash? How come Murray hatchery doesn't throw in different roosters to throw some more color? Everything I've read about McMurray...
  4. MrChickMagnet

    BLR Wyandottes Chicks??

    I just received 25 baby chicks from a hatchery. They seem to be very healthy and of coarse they sent an extra or two. Can anyone tell from this picture if they will all be splash or if them being lighter means anything at all!
  5. MrChickMagnet

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I purchased 20 BLRW from a hatchery. I was wondering if anyone could tell by the coloring of these baby chicks if they appeared to be Blue, splash or black laced? They seem a lot lighter compared to some of the pictures I've looked at.
  6. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    I think so. If I don't this evening it will be after work tmw before I can again. I'm afraid it will be to late at that point considering it will have been 48 hours...
  7. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    This is the egg that piped about 36 hours ago. He had this hole in the egg for 24 hours and has not made any progress since last night. I expected to wake up with these hatched and their progress has come to a hault.
  8. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    Yes the one in the picture moves in short sudden burst and rest. The other egg the chick has opened a small hole and it is moving as well but it's a more fast breathing movements and not a lot of activity to break out.
  9. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    Little giant styrofoam incubator. Hold 42 eggs. Temps have been right at 99.6 the entire time. Humitity was low 45-50% until day 18 and has been at 65% since day 19. I have 2 healthy chicks and two other eggs just starting to pip.
  10. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    I can have a better pic in about 30 mins. This is a pic of the egg that the membrane appears to be separated from the shell and wrapping the chick.
  11. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    Chicken. One is a banty and one a buff Orpington egg.
  12. MrChickMagnet

    Need Quick Answers!

    First time incubator hatcher here! Everything I've read says to not assist chick from breaking out of egg shell. Eggs are on day 22 and I have two eggs that the chick has cracked through. Both eggs have been broken for 36 hours and the chicks have made little progress in the last 24 hours. One...
  13. MrChickMagnet

    Chicken Photos Thread

    Who else has sledding chickens!
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