Recent content by ohb

  1. ohb

    Barred Rock Roosters - FREE with FREE Delivery - Montgomery, AL. area.

    I have 5-6 Barred Rock Roosters available in the Montgomery Alabama area. These birds are 8 months old. They are free and I will deliver free of charge anywhere within a 50 mile radius of Montgomery. These are docile birds and have never given me a problem. They were included in a shipment...
  2. ohb


    I am very sorry you're having to deal with this at this time. I live in a rural neighborhood. We even have an HOA of sorts. Our last meeting was three years ago. Basically, if I keep the grass cut--about 4 acres worth--everything is cool. The neighbors even liked hearing my rooster, too...
  3. ohb


    Welcome. You'll like it here.
  4. ohb


    With shade like that and plenty of water you've pretty much done all you can, iyam. I think at some point they'll just have to deal with it as best as they can. Summer is tough in the middle of the day no matter how you slice it. My old hound dog Pup has a shady front porch and carport to...
  5. ohb


    That may be my next move, GF. If I can shield all or part of the run that would give them an alternative to the coop and then they could pick and choose where they wanted to be. As you might can tell from the avatar my lot is on an open pasture so tree shading is not an option.
  6. ohb


    I have a pedestal fan in my coop, 8 windows plus the hatch to the run is open during the day, and they still pant and hold those wings away from their bodies during the heat of the day. Not much else I can do except install an A/C window unit. Summer is tough on them, worse than winter most...
  7. ohb


    Congratulations. I'm glad mom and baby are doing well. He looks like he'll be a real trooper.
  8. ohb


    I am very sorry. I hope you'll find solace in the knowledge that her suffering is over. Prayers are being said for you and your family.
  9. ohb


    Welcome aboard. Sorry, no duck info, though. You'll like it here anyway.
  10. ohb


    I am very sorry to hear that. Our prayers go out to you and your family.
  11. ohb


    Yeah, I've been pecked for treats and some hens will peck your hand when you reach under for the egg. Back in the day my grandmother always had little marks on the back of her hand from being pecked while gathering eggs. There's a difference between being pecked for treats and a rooster bowing...
  12. ohb


    I guess just be mindful of his overall demeanor. Is his stance aggressive and threatening or more laid back? That kind of thing. BTW, I got speared when my back was turned to the rooster. Since then, I don't turn my back on them unless I have to.
  13. ohb


    I've read some say that RIR (and maybe others) roosters from hatcheries can be more aggressive and perhaps unpredictable. I use to have two heritage RIR's that were great, nary a problem. The only time I got speared by a rooster was a hatchery RIR rooster about 7 years ago. I now have a bunch...
  14. ohb


    Your family has had a rough go of it lately. I sure hope and pray your mother continues to improve.
  15. ohb


    Man, oh man. I can relate to the funeral expenses. We've been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. I am truly sorry for your loss. Never an easy thing to go through. I believe in letting things be, even snakes. Every critter has its place. But when snakes get too close to the...
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