Recent content by OpheliaChick

  1. OpheliaChick

    Is this to much medication for the chicks? Please HELP!

    The Sav-A-Chick is just electrolytes and vitamin supplements, it's not medicated. It should be fine with the medicated feed.
  2. OpheliaChick

    Please Help! I Have No Idea

    So yesterday I made a post concerning a hen that I thought might be egg bound. As I was soaking her belly in warm water and massaging it this morning I noticed something above her tail. Now I don't believe this is her oil gland, however, I am so paranoid at this point I don't know what to think...
  3. OpheliaChick

    Egg Bound w/ a Shell-Less Egg?

    My Buff Orpington hen is acting very funny. She has all of her tail feathers down (droopy tail) and she sits a lot. I had her confined for a few hours last night and found it odd that she wasn't pooping. So I fed her some molasses with water. This morning I thought I would find the dog cage...
  4. OpheliaChick

    War!!!!! I Have My Face Paint On!!!!

    I hope you give that raccoon some "lead poisoning". Good Luck!!!
  5. OpheliaChick

    Marek's Disease & Coccidiosis Vaccines?

    The feed store where I'm purchasing my chicks does not vaccinate. That's why I was looking into doing it myself. The Marek's disease vaccine I think is affordable, however, the Cocci vaccine just isn't realistic for how many chicks I'm going to vaccinate. I really didn't want to purchase my...
  6. OpheliaChick

    Marek's Disease & Coccidiosis Vaccines?

    I will be purchasing some chicks from my local feed store this Spring. They do not vaccinate but I want my chicks to have the two vaccines. Is there any way to purchase the vaccines and administer them yourself? Or must you have a vet do it and that is why I can not find a supplier online?
  7. OpheliaChick

    Not Sure How to Raise 3rd Batch of Chicks

    So I'm trying to decide how to raise my 3rd batch of chicks. The first time I ordered day olds from McMurray Hatchery. I had them on my front porch (until they were ready for the coop) and I handled them a lot so they were very friendly. The 2nd batch of chicks I let a broody sit on, hatch and...
  8. OpheliaChick

    What are the best meds to keep on hand?

    I don't know if this is the type of "meds" you are talking about but I always keep a tube of Triple Antibiotic Ointment and Blue Kote.
  9. OpheliaChick

    When Will A Hen Abandon Her Chicks?

    I have a hen who I let hatch and take care of some chicks. The chicks are now about 6 weeks old and today she is not leading them around the yard like she use to. The chicks are off in one part of the yard and the mother hen is with the rest of the chickens in another part of the yard. Is there...
  10. OpheliaChick

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    9 out of 12... come on you slackers!!!!!
  11. OpheliaChick

    Will A Rooster Herd "His" Flock of Hens?

    Hi all! I just lost my WCB Polish roo to something (probably a coyote) and am need of a rooster. While discussing what breed of new rooster I wanted, my Uncle asked me if the rooster will herd the flock of hens. I couldn't answer the questions because it SEEMED as though while Pom (my rooster)...
  12. OpheliaChick

    Does pumpkin have to be processed?

    That's what I did with mine and they LOVED it! At first they didn't know what to do with it so I put some sunflower seeds in the middle to give them the idea.Once they figured it out they went nuts. All that's left of the pumpkins are the skins.
  13. OpheliaChick

    Can you keep Guinea Fowl and Chickens in the same coop?

    I'm sorry to hear that Speckledhen. Hmmmm... What if I kept two Guinea Fowl in a dog house? How much square footage do I need per Guinea Fowl?
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