Recent content by PhoenixAires

  1. PhoenixAires

    8 mo White Plymouth Rock Rooster Needs a New Home Norcross GA

    I have a beautiful white Plymouth rock rooster that I got accidentally through a hatchery. My area does not allow roosters, so I need to find him a new home. He is well behaved (for a rooster) and is able to be picked up without much fuss. He is a great alarm system and always lets me know when...
  2. PhoenixAires

    Avian Predators - Or How to prevent the Hawk/Owl attack

    My roo has help keep a lot of things at bay over the years.
  3. PhoenixAires

    Donkey question - I think she has a hernia

    Hernias usually contain a twist of intestine, so Im pretty sure thats not what you have. It could be an abscess, a hematoma (blood clot), or something else entirely. Without looking and touching it, I couldn't tell you for certain.
  4. PhoenixAires

    Need Help Naming Goats!! :)

    I think Socks would be cute for hank
  5. PhoenixAires

    Cardigan Welsh Corgi vs. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

    I didn't know this, thank you!
  6. PhoenixAires

    Pumpkin seeds to deworm dog?

    They don't do anything for worms. I would just get some dewormer from your vet.
  7. PhoenixAires

    Dog throwing up only after drinking water?

    I have seen this problem with a couple other dogs and it is usually just them drinking too much too fast. Most times I just put a little bit of water down instead of a whole bowl and it does the trick.
  8. PhoenixAires

    Is my dog part pitbull?

    I agree with what everyone is saying. Breed does not determine personality. I'm a vet tech and in all the years I've been doing this, I have had more bad experiences with little dogs like chihuahuas and doxies than I have had with and large breed, pit or otherwise.
  9. PhoenixAires

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    As long as you aren't deathly allergic, this could work, but be careful. Sometimes the more times you have a reaction, the worse it gets until it becomes very dangerous
  10. PhoenixAires

    Lets talk about goats!

    He's so cute!
  11. PhoenixAires

    What dog breed should I get?

    I would stay away from any terrier type breeds or sigh hounds if you want to keep your chickens safe.
  12. PhoenixAires

    Blueberries Indoors

    I am moving into a new house this spring and I really want to have blueberry bushes! I have seen a lot of articles about having dwarf blueberry bushes inside and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
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